Apple Intelligence AI models compete with ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo

Apple Intelligence AI models compete with ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo

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The Cupertino giant introduced Apple Intelligence at the WWDC 2024 event and finally joined the AI race competing against Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. To deliver new AI features and experiences on iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia, Apple has developed its own foundational AI models, for both device and cloud processing.

Apple Intelligence in 5 minutes

While Apple's device model is small in size (trained on 3 billion parameters), large server-class models reside on Apple's own Private Cloud Compute. For most tasks, the on-device model does a good job, but for complex tasks, the request is offloaded to Apple's large server models. Additionally, Apple has integrated ChatGPT on iPhone, iPad and Mac as well.

For the first time, Apple has developed its own LLM (Large Language model), so we're interested in how it performs against state-of-the-art models from OpenAI, Google and Microsoft.

Apple has developed two types of AI models: a small model for on-device processing, trained on 3 billion parameters, and a large server model hosted on Apple's cloud infrastructure. The company has not mentioned the parameter size of the server model.

Apple Intelligence AI models compete with ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo.
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