Do you need a special barrel for slugs?

Do you need a special barrel for slugs?

HomeArticles, FAQDo you need a special barrel for slugs?

Full-bore slugs should be used in smooth shotgun barrels; sabots are designed to be used in special shotgun rifled barrels. When shot out of a fully rifled barrel with a scope you should be able to hold a three shot group into a 2-inch circle at 50 yards and it is possible to get better accuracy on the range than that.

Q. What barrel can you shoot a slug through?

Whether a shotgun can shoot slugs or not is based on the barrel, not the receiver/serial number. If it has a 28″ barrel, you can shoot rifled or foster type slugs as long as the choke is improved cylinder. If it has the short 18.5″ barrel, you can shoot rifled or foster type slugs as well as bird/buck shot.

Q. What is the difference between a slug barrel and a regular barrel?

Traditional barrels usually have a bead and are smooth bore. Slug barrels usually have rifling and rifle sights. They are made for saboted bullets. The Remington 870 slug barrel I have came with rifle sights and a rifled choke.

Q. Can you shoot rifled slugs through a full choke?

Yes, you can fire a slug through a full choke, and it’s relatively safe (ALWAYS read the ammunition advice). Rifled slugs can be designed to deform through the narrower choke, but will lose both power and accuracy relative to a cylinder or improved cylinder choke.

Q. Can you use regular slugs in a rifled barrel?

phildo–you can use regular slugs. They are alot cheaper and they shoot almost as well as the sabots. I used to use sabots because I loved the wound they created on the pass through. Other than that, regular slugs can be fired through a rifled barrel with close to the same accuracy as sabots.

Q. What happens if you shoot rifled slugs out of a rifled barrel?

Your gun won’t explode if you end up shooting sabot slugs out of a smooth bore barrel or, vice versa, if you shoot rifled slugs out of a rifled barrel. It just won’t be accurate.

Q. What are the best slugs for a rifled barrel?

While Brenneke and Foster slugs can be used in either smoothbore or rifled barrels (with the drawback of fouling in rifled barrels), sabots are designed for use only in rifled shotgun barrels. Since the sabot slug gets a boost from the rifled barrel, the range and accuracy of these slugs is significantly increased.

Q. Does Hornady make rifled slugs?

Designed for smooth-bore barrels, Hornady® American Whitetail® Rifled Slugs are loaded with a 1-ounce foster style slug. The hollow point style slug features a tough, lead alloy core loaded to 1,600 feet per second. The compression style wad protects the slug at ignition and helps to seal the bore for maximum velocity.

Q. Which is better buckshot or slug?

The big advantage of using a slug is that it has a much longer effective range than buckshot. Additionally, shotgun slugs retain their energy better and typically penetrate much deeper than buckshot. A shotgun shooting a slug is also much more precise than a shotgun shooting buckshot.

Q. How accurate are rifled slugs?

The effective range of rifled slugs is considerably less than that of saboted loads. But most shots taken at woodland deer are within 100 yards. Using a rifled or full-bore slug is no disadvantage at this relatively close range, but only if you can place the slug where you want it.

Q. Are Hornady slugs any good?

Deadly accurate at 100yds and still accurate out to 200. The only problem I had was that when you would shoot a deer right in the honey hole they would run off. They would only go 50 to 100 yards but the blood trails were minimal making tracking a job.

Q. Can you shoot Hornady SST slugs through a smooth bore?

Sabot slugs need to be spun up to get the accuracy they were designed for. They will work in a smoothbore, but not well.

Q. What is the best sabot slug?

As I mentioned previously, the H&R/NEF Ultra Slug Hunter with a heavy barrel is a very accurate slug gun, as is the gun I shoot, an Ithaca Deerslayer III. I can always get Remington slugs to shoot. Winchester XP3s and Hornady SSTs are quite accurate, as are Federal’s new Trophy Copper slugs.

Q. Why are slugs rifled?

So why use rifled slugs at all? The groves in the slug actually allow the projectile to fit through different chokes. This allows hunters to use various barrels and still fire slugs. Without the grooves, the slug would cause greater friction in the barrel and would not function in various choke sizes.

Q. How far can you accurately shoot a 12 gauge slug?

What it shows is that the 12 gauge slug will travel pretty flat for up to 200 yards with perhaps 10 to 12 inches of drop at 200 yards. At 300 yards the chart shows a drop of about 4 feet. This was from a firearms study and suggests the absolute maximum a slug can travel is around 3700 feet (1230 yards).

Q. Are rifled slugs better?

Accuracy – while the rifled slugs (Foster & Brenneke) are accurate for their design, sabot slugs win this comparison hands down. Because of their design with the plastic cylinder, the barrel rifling creates a much more stable trajectory that increases the accuracy and effective distance.

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