Is Cassandra a good name?

Is Cassandra a good name?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Cassandra a good name?

Cassandra is a remarkable and strong name, therefore, of course some people won’t like it, and some people will totally love it, but that should not be your problem…

Q. Is Cassandra a biblical name?

The name Cassandra has a Christian meaning as well. The Christian meaning is ” Helper of mankind” or in the dictionary “one who utters unheeded prophecies”. Therefore Cassandra means the one who shines upon man.

Q. Is Cassandra a rare name?

Cassandra, also spelt Kassandra, is a given name of Greek origin. It is the feminine form of Cassander. The name peaked in popularity in the United States in 1990 with over 7000 girls named Cassandra born that year; the name is now rarer in the US for babies, with only about 1000 given it in 2010.

Q. What does the name Cassandra mean in Greek?

a female given name: from a Greek word meaning “helper of men.”

Q. Is Cassandra an Irish name?

Cassandra in Irish is Alastríona.


Cassandra (feminine)
YearRankPercent Used

Q. Who uses Cassandra?

494 companies reportedly use Cassandra in their tech stacks, including Uber, Facebook, and Netflix.

  • Uber.
  • Facebook.
  • Netflix.
  • Instagram.
  • Spotify.
  • Instacart.
  • reddit.
  • Accenture.

Q. Does Google use Cassandra?

Since most of our application teams are already using Cassandra as a main data store, the new DataStax Astra on Google Cloud promises to deliver this flexibility with very low effort and maintenance.” Ready to start building Cassandra apps in the cloud? You can find Astra in the Google Cloud marketplace.

Q. Is Cassandra written in Java?

Cassandra is a distributed database management system which is open source with wide column store, NoSQL database to handle large amount of data across many commodity servers which provides high availability with no single point of failure. It is written in Java and developed by Apache Software Foundation.

Q. How does Instagram use Cassandra?

Instagram uses Cassandra as a general key-value storage service, to support the user photo feed, direct messages, as well as for fraud detection. While exceptionally fast at writing data to disk, Instagram was finding that read times were starting to increase, resulting in slow performance for users.

Q. Does Instagram use Redis?

Instead, we turned to Redis, an advanced key-value store that we use extensively here at Instagram (for example, it powers our main feed). All of our Redis deployments run in master-slave, with the slave set to save to disk about every minute.

Q. What database does Instagram use?


Q. Does Instagram use AWS?

Picture-based social media service Instagram has been run entirely on AWS since its inception in 2010. It ran on cloud computing service Amazon EC2, which enabled it to build and run its own software without needing its own servers.

Q. Which database does Snapchat use?


Q. Who invented Snapchat?

Evan Spiegel

Q. Does Snapchat use Python?

Snapchat uses Python, Objective-C for iOS, Ruby, Android-SDK, JavaScript, Cocoa Touch, and PHP.

Q. What database does Facebook use?


Q. Does Facebook use Oracle?

Facebook primarily uses MySQL for structured data storage such as wall posts, user information, etc. But, still feel free to use the argument, “MySQL is as good or better than Oracle or MS SQL Server, heck, even Facebook uses it, and they have 500 Million users!”.

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Is Cassandra a good name?.
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