Can we charge a body to have a charge of 15 E 2?

Can we charge a body to have a charge of 15 E 2?

HomeArticles, FAQCan we charge a body to have a charge of 15 E 2?

so total charge on every body must be the integer multiple of the e. therefore we can not have a body with charge (15/2)e.

Q. Why repulsion is the true test for electrification?

Repulsion is said to be the sure test to find whether an object is charged or not because attraction can occur between an uncharged body and a charged body due to induction of charges from the charged body to the uncharged body.

Q. Why repulsion is a sure test of charge on a body?

Because when we bring a charged body near an uncharged body an opposite charge is induced on the neutral body. And their will an attraction between them. But the given body is uncharged. Therefore, repulsion is a sure test of charge.

Q. What will be the charge on a 7n 14 nucleus?

Since the atom in question is nitrogen, it has 7 atomic number and hence electrons. Therefore, charge on nitrogen atom is 11.2*10^-19 C.

Q. What is the atomic structure of chlorine?

Each chlorine atom consists of 17 protons (positively charged sub-atomic particles) in the atom’s nucleus (central region), balanced by seventeen electrons (negatively charged sub-atomic particles) distributed around the nucleus.

Q. What are the structures of chlorine?

Chlorine Structure – Cl The first electron shell belonging to chlorine contains a total of two electrons whereas the second electron shell of chlorine contains 8 electrons. Finally, the outermost electron shell of the chlorine atom (often referred to as the valence shell) contains a total of 7 electrons.

Q. What are 3 uses of chlorine?

Chlorine is commonly used as an antiseptic and is used to make drinking water safe and to treat swimming pools. Large amounts of chlorine are used in many industrial processes, such as in the production of paper products, plastics, dyes, textiles, medicines, antiseptics, insecticides, solvents and paints.

Q. How do you lower pH without lowering alkalinity?

As the carbon dioxide outgases, the pH rises with no change in total alkalinity. You can then add acid to lower both pH and TA with the net effect of lowering only the TA. In other words, add acid until the alkalinity reaches about 90 to 100 ppm. Then aerate until the pH rises to 7.4 to 7.6.

Q. Will alkalinity decrease on its own?

One of the most important things to remember about high alkalinity is, if you can afford to wait, it will decrease over time on its own. That’s what alkalinity does. It helps prevent pH from changing too much, too fast. When you lower alkalinity, you’ll also be lowering pH.

Q. Does baking soda raise alkalinity?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate is naturally alkaline, with a pH of 8. When you add baking soda to your pool water, you will raise both the pH and the alkalinity, improving stability and clarity. Many commercial pool products for raising alkalinity utilize baking soda as their main active ingredient.

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Can we charge a body to have a charge of 15 E 2?.
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