Can you still find pirate treasure?

Can you still find pirate treasure?

HomeArticles, FAQCan you still find pirate treasure?

Q. Can you still find pirate treasure?

It is the only pirate treasure ever found. More is still being found at the wreck site off the coast of Cape Cod. The Whydah sank in 1717 carrying hundreds of thousands of gold coins and other artifacts. It is the only pirate treasure ever found.

Q. Where was Fenn’s treasure found?

He later revealed it was found in Wyoming. Jack Stuef, who found the treasure, hasn’t revealed where he found it, saying he doesn’t want the spot to turn into a tourist attraction. Fenn died in September 2020.

Q. What happens if you find a gold bar?

If your find can’t be considered a treasure, you are legally required to take it to the police. It will go into their custody and be handled like any other case of lost property. However, if you’ve got a bonafide treasure trove you’re probably in luck.

Q. Can buried treasure spawn underwater?

Buried treasure structures generate in beach biomes, and can also generate underwater. Most of the time the chest generates buried in a beach, so it has a sand or gravel block covering it. Sometimes, if generated on the side of an underwater hill, it spawns with stone blocks covering it.

Q. What treasure did pirates really discover?

The Whydah sank in 1717 carrying hundreds of thousands of gold coins and other artifacts. It is the only pirate treasure ever found. More is still being found at the wreck site off the coast of Cape Cod.

Q. Where do pirates find their treasure?

A popular story tells that many other pirates buried their own treasures in the same island, such as Hodoul, Boudin , Avery, Kid, Halsay or Taylor. Nowadays, John Cruise-Wilkins still searches for the treasure of La Buse, in the Seychelles, at the site of Bel-Ombre, north of Mahé.

Q. Did real pirates actually bury treasure?

In reality, pirates burying treasure was rare. The only pirate known to have actually buried treasure was William Kidd, who is believed to have buried at least some of his wealth on Long Island before sailing into New York City. Nov 27 2019

Q. Where is all the buried pirate treasure?

The greatest amount of pirate treasure is said to be on the Swedish island Gotland in the Baltic Sea . Though obviously not the Caribbean type of pirates, generations of vikings Buried Treasure from their raids to eastern Europe and the Black Sea there.

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