Developers invest in AI planning

Developers invest in AI planning

HomeNews, Other ContentDevelopers invest in AI planning

Reader survey results When it comes to rolling out AI systems, developers are still the most important in deciding which ones to run, but there are some big differences in strategy between The Register's US and European readers.

AI will replace developers! Do NOT learn how to code!

Like it or not, AI is coming to a business near you soon. Microsoft is busy framing OpenAI's machine learning technology in everything it can, Google and Apple are trying to do the same with their lineup, and you can't swing a cat (and you shouldn't) without vendors announcing that they're adding AI functions to its code.

We asked Register readers how AI is being deployed at their employers, over 5,000 responded, and the results show that trusted developers are still making up their minds when it comes to choosing which machine learning models to buy. Developers topped the decision-making list with 55.7 percent in the US and 45 percent among European companies.

That's a reassuring result, given that it's those at the coalface who will need to make these systems work on a daily basis. As you might expect, the second most important people in the process are IT management, in both Europe and America only just behind the developers.

Developers invest in AI planning.
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