Did George and Lennie have a true friendship?

Did George and Lennie have a true friendship?

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Q. Did George and Lennie have a true friendship?

They aim to have their own farm and land and to live a better, ideal life style but it does not plan out how they wanted.At the start of the book Lennie and George’s strong friendship is instantly shown and they are almost inseparable.

Q. How does George feel about taking care of Lennie?

George sees Lennie as a child-like figure in need of protection and help, and he leads his life in a determination to give Lennie that care and protection against the cruelties of the world. George promises Lenny’s Aunt Clara when she dies that he will look after Lenny and he very loyally does just that.

Q. Why does George take care of Lennie is the relationship between George and Lennie one of friendship or does George only feel like he has to take care of Lennie?

Lennie gives George a reason to live. George needs Lennie to talk to, to share their dream. Their relationship is both one of obligation and of a begrudging friendship, as George, with Lennie, has something to hold onto to give his life meaning.

Q. How does Lennie and George show friendship?

The friendship between George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men is parental. George teaches Lennie, keeps him safe, and usually speaks to others for him because Lennie is timid and easily confused. Lennie is reassured and pleased by George’s protective actions.

Q. Why is George friends with Lennie?

George and Lennie travel together because they have known each other since they were children and a natural friendship developed over time. George explains their history when he confides in Slim, saying, “Him and me was both born in Auburn. I knowed his Aunt Clara. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up.

Q. What is Lennie afraid of?

Lennie had killed his puppy. What has Lennie done as the section opens? Lennie’s fear is that if George sees that, he killed the puppy, then he won’t let him tend the rabbits. Curley’s wife probably feels as if just like the puppy, the men on the ranch, and possibly herself, are disposable.

Q. Is George a bad friend to Lennie?

Summary: In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George is a good friend to Lennie although he may seem to be inhumane because he kills Lennie at the end of the novel. George cares for Lennie and does not want him to be discriminated against because Lennie is slower than most people.

Q. Why is George and Lennie’s dream unrealistic?

Despite possibly having enough money with Candy’s contribution to buy a run-down home, George and Lennie’s dream is still unrealistic. George and Lennie are not destined to attain their dream, and it is simply imaginative thinking that helps them get through their rough lives.

Q. Why can’t I talk to you I never get to talk to nobody I get awful lonely?

Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.” Lennie said, “Well, I ain’t supposed to talk to you or nothing.”

Q. Why did George lie about Lennie being his cousin?

George lies to the boss because if he realizes that Lennie’s mental deficiency is a threat they won’t get the job. George lies and tells the boss that Lennie is his cousin, and that they left the job in Weed because it was done. He assumes that since George seems to be in control, he is taking advantage of Lennie.

Q. Why does George value his friendship with Lennie?

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