And speaking of fish: Their pee and poop, while not produced in the same prodigious quantities as a whale’s (at least, not all at once), also play an important part in the health of marine life and ocean ecosystems.
Q. Do fish pee yes or no?
Like you, fish have kidneys. Kidneys help the body make urine. A lot of fish get rid of the pee through an tiny opening, called a pore, that’s near their rear ends—and in some fish, waste also goes out through the skin or the gills.
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Q. Does peeing in the water attract fish?
They can be traced back to the 19th and early 20th centuries. The gist of these stories is that the fish is attracted by human urine in the water. When someone urinates in the water, according to these stories, the fish swims into and lodges itself in the urethra of the unsuspecting individual.
Q. How do mermaids have a baby?
Mermaids would most likely have babies not by laying eggs, but by life-bearing them in the ocean similar to dolphins. This means mermaids would carry their babies in their wombs for 9-12 months and then give birth to them from the bottom side of their tails.
Q. What do mermaids drink?
Osmosis or regular? (hint- Salt water fish usually drink lots of water, fresh water fish usually absorb it through osmosis) This effects your mermaid. Similarly, what do mermaids eat and drink? Mermaids are mythical creatures that are said to live in water, so their mythical diet likely consists of seafood.
Q. What is the lifespan of a mermaid?
Mermaids grow to a length of about five and half feet and a top weight of 125 pounds. The life span is about 30 years.
Q. What do siren mermaids look like?
Sirens were believed to look like a combination of women and birds in various different forms. In early Greek art, they were represented as birds with large women’s heads, bird feathers and scaly feet. By the Middle Ages, the figure of the Siren had transformed into the enduring mermaid figure.