Do walleye lay eggs? – Internet Guides
Do walleye lay eggs?

Do walleye lay eggs?

HomeArticles, FAQDo walleye lay eggs?

Small walleyes may produce around 50,000 eggs while larger, older females will produce around 150,000 eggs.

Q. How often do Walleye reproduce?

Walleye spawn annually in the spring, when water temperatures reach 3844°F (3.6-6.7″C), which is shortly after ice breakup in most locations (Becker 1983).

Q. Where do walleye lay eggs?

Adults migrate to tributary streams in late winter or early spring to lay eggs over gravel and rock, although open-water reef or shoal-spawning strains are seen, as well. Some populations are known to spawn on sand or vegetation. Spawning occurs at water temperatures of 6 to 10 °C (43 to 50 °F).

Q. Can stocked walleye reproduce?

Yes, stocked walleyes reproduce, at least in Iowa they do.

Q. How old is a 30 walleye?

A 30 inch walleye averages 16 to 25 years old. Growth rates largely depend on habitat quality and forage abundance. After reaching maturity around year three, walleye grow between 0.5 and 1 inch per year.

Q. How many eggs are in a walleye?

The female walleye will lay an average of 50,000 eggs and generally spawns out completely in one night.

Q. What lure is best for walleye?

Minnows. Minnows are the most popular bait option for walleye anglers, I have found consistent success with shiner and flathead minnows. When targeting bigger fish, shiners in the 4-6″ range are the mainstay, these will weed through some of the smaller fish and get you on 25″+ Walleye.

Q. What is the best bait for walleye?


Q. Who caught the world record walleye?

A recent release by the current governing board at the FWFHOF stated, “So let the record be known in the walleye world that the world record walleye of 25 pounds which measured 41 inches in length was caught by Mabry Harper in the great state of Tennessee in 1960.”

Q. What is a trophy walleye?

Honestly, an 8-pound walleye for most folks is a trophy walleye. If you don’t fish 100 days or more each year for walleyes, then the chances of catching a 10-pound walleye are slim.

Q. What state has the best walleye fishing?


Q. Where is the best walleye fishing right now?

10 Best Fall Walleye Hotspots

  1. Lake Erie, Pennsylvania/Ohio.
  2. Devil’s Lake, North Dakota.
  3. Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota.
  4. Lake McConaughy, Nebraska.
  5. Bay Of Quinte , Ontario, Canada.
  6. Upper Mississippi River, MN.
  7. Bay de Noc, Michigan.
  8. Columbia River, Washington/Oregon.

Q. What speed do you troll for walleye?

The best trolling speed for fall walleye is from 1.3 to 1.8 mph (and you can go up to 2.2 mph early in fall). Water temperatures start to cool down in the fall, and it’s best to troll slower than in summer, which means you’ll hardly ever go above 2.2 mph.

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