Does Matsuri have a crush on Gaara? – Internet Guides
Does Matsuri have a crush on Gaara?

Does Matsuri have a crush on Gaara?

HomeArticles, FAQDoes Matsuri have a crush on Gaara?

Q. Does Matsuri have a crush on Gaara?

Matsuri’s feelings for Gaara are made obvious when she gushes about him. According to the third databook, Matsuri is a reverent admirer of Gaara or any other powerful ninja, and has no interest in any other type of man.

Q. Is Matsuri a Gaara student?

Matsuri (マツリ) is a genin level kunoichi from Sunagakure. She is also Gaara’s very first student. In the anime, she is part of a genin team alongside Yukata and Mikoshi. However her jonin sensei isn’t seen or mention at all by name.

Q. How old is Gaara in Naruto?

4 Gaara. Gaara’s birthday is January 19th. In part one of the show, he is between 12 and 13 years old. In part two, Gaara ages from 15 to 17 years old.

Q. What is Gaara’s purpose?

But Shukaku is not wholly responsible: Gaara simply hates other people for existing, believing that so long as they are alive they are a threat to his own life. His purpose, therefore, is to kill anyone who is strong or whom he perceives as similar to himself, as only by killing them can he assert his own existence.

Q. Do people ship Gaara and Naruto?

GaaNaru is the slash ship between Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki from the Naruto fandom.

Q. Who is Matsuri in the Gaara anime?

Matsuri (マツリ) is a genin level kunoichi from Sunagakure. She is also Gaara ‘s very first student. In the anime, she is part of a genin team alongside Yukata and Mikoshi.

Q. Who is Matsuri training under in the Naruto anime?

Temari notes in this instance that Matsuri isn’t a long-distance user. Matsuri training under Gaara. In the anime, Matsuri is a student of Suna’s new ninja Academy. During a lesson about weapon-handling, Matsuri is the only member of her class to select Gaara as her instructor.

Q. Why are Jinchuriki so afraid of Gaara in Naruto?

However, being a jinchūriki made the villagers frightened of Gaara; adults avoided him and, when they couldn’t, treated him delicately while children would run from him on sight. Gaara would try to assure them he meant no harm, but in the process would inadvertently injure or even kill them with his sand.

Q. How did Gaara’s relationship with Shukaku change?

His relationship with Shukaku did improve somewhat when he told the tailed beast he used to hate it, but was grateful to the beast because he was able to meet Naruto due to the painful life Shukaku made him endure. Gaara becomes Suna’s Kazekage by the start of Part II, signalling the success of his emulation of Naruto.

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