Genshin Impact 4.1 Primogems: Here's the total

Genshin Impact 4.1 Primogems: Here's the total

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One of the best things about new versions being released in Genshin Impact has to be the amount of free Primogems you can get from new events, exploration and quests. After all, Primogems are essential to wishing your favorite characters. Genshin Impact 4.0 is about to end and in our previous calculation we gave ourselves around 13,000 primogems which is more than 80 wishes! That's not the end though as HoYoverse announced new events, map expansions and Archon quests in the Genshin Impact 4.1 livestream that can give you more Primogems than 4.0 to draw for your favorite Fontaine characters or weapons (link to 4.1 weapons when they have published) in 4.1 Banners. In this article, let's look at Genshin Impact 4.1 Primogems count and how you can squeeze every ounce of the important currency out of the game.

How many Primogems version 4.1 of GENSHIN IMPACT?

For those new to the game, Primogems are Genshin Impact's main currency for getting limited characters and weapons. With the help of Primogems and a bit of luck, you can wish to get characters from both limited and permanent banners (never draw permanent banners with Primogems). There are many ways to earn Primogems — completing quests, opening chests, exploration, events, HoYoverse gifts, web events, etc. If you need more information, check out our guide on how to redeem free Primogems in Genshin Impact.

Players can get over 16,000 free Primogems in Genshin Impact 4.1 which translates to 104 wishes. These can be obtained by completing story missions, exploring the new region, daily commissions, Stardust Exchange in the store, third anniversary rewards, etc. Here are the number of Primogems that all types of players can get in Genshin Impact 4.1.

Here is a breakdown of the aforementioned Genshin Impact 4.1 Total Primogems: Event/Quest/ExplorationTotal Primogems4.1 Exploration (Quests, Chests, Statues, Waypoints, Domains)3710Limited Content (Event)2250Daily Commissions2520Stars05Abx16005005Abx160805A ments370Genshin Impact's Third Anniversary3200 4 .1 update maintenance6004.2 update live stream300Redeem codes60Twitch Drops30Web Event80Total for F2P players16,600Welkin Moon 3780+420Total for Welkin Moon players20,880Battle Pass1320Total for Welkin Moon + Battle Pass players 2,100 per 2.12 9 inGenshin_Impact_Leaks

Genshin Impact 4.1 Primogems: Here's the total.
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