Germany confirms Russia military WebEx meeting leak

Germany confirms Russia military WebEx meeting leak

HomeNews, Other ContentGermany confirms Russia military WebEx meeting leak

The German Ministry of Defense (Bundeswehr) has confirmed that a recording of a conversation between senior officials discussing the war effort in Ukraine, leaked by Russian media, is legitimate.

Germany investigates possible Russian wiretapping | DW News

Senior government officials have also confirmed Russian reports that the call was hosted and intercepted via Cisco's WebEx video conferencing platform rather than some form of secure, military-grade communications.

Roderich Kiesewetter, vice chairman of the German parliament's oversight committee, said the Bundeswehr leak was possibly caused by a Russian agent in the WebEx call or the Bundeswehr's execution of it, but the country is still working to discover how the breach took place.

Similarly, the ministry released a statement to the wider media saying: "According to our assessment, a call was intercepted in the Air Force Division. We cannot say with certainty at this time whether changes have been made to the recorded or transcribed version circulating on social media."

Germany confirms Russia military WebEx meeting leak.
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