Grounded: Where to find fresh water

Grounded: Where to find fresh water

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Places where you can find fresh water for your player

How to find clean water in Grounded

Like most survival games, grounded water is a necessary resource to progress the game. Not drinking water and getting thirsty will result in slowly losing health until you drink something. For that, you need to find ways to stay hydrated and quench your thirst.

You can easily find dirty water as it can be seen in small ponds or puddles. However, drinking from these sources will increase your hunger quickly, so in order to drink from them, you need to have a large amount of food ready to compensate for the damage from drinking contaminated water.

If you do not want these problems, it is best for you to find fresh water sources. Fresh water can be drunk without effect. There are several fresh water sources in the game:

Grounded: Where to find fresh water.
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