How big is a Starbase in Star Trek? – Internet Guides
How big is a Starbase in Star Trek?

How big is a Starbase in Star Trek?

HomeArticles, FAQHow big is a Starbase in Star Trek?

Q. How big is a Starbase in Star Trek?

Starbase 74

Universe :Prime Timeline
Commissioned :2358 – present
Dimensions :Diameter : 8,781 m Height (main) : 10,712 m Height (overall) : 13,356 m [4] Decks : 2765
Mass :71,000,000 metric tons
Crew :85,000 Starfleet, typically 120,000 to 240,000 civilian

Q. What is a Starbase?

A starbase or starship base was a permanent support facility operated by Starfleet, consisting of space stations, drydocks, and/or ground installations. Starbases were hubs of activity and could serve multiple military and civilian functions. (

Q. Is ds9 a Starbase?

Deep Space 12 invokes the most famous Starbase in the Star Trek franchise: Deep Space Nine. Originally named Terok Nor, a Cardassian installation overseeing the Occupation of Bajor, Starfleet took it over and renamed it Deep Space Nine.

Q. How many star bases are there?

There are over 800 Starbases located in Federation space. Below is a list of those bases.

Q. What is Yorktown in Star Trek?

Yorktown, also known as Starbase Yorktown, Yorktown Base and Yorktown Station, was a massive Federation space station located on the frontier, near the Necro Cloud nebula, in the alternate reality.

Q. How big is Starbase map?

Its diameter is about 236.6 km. First explored during the Closed Alpha on the 23rd of June, 2020, by Some1Gee. The voyage took 63 hours, and covered an estimated distance of 34,345 km.

Q. What engine does Starbase use?

Frozenbyte’s custom engine

EngineFrozenbyte’s custom engine
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Release date(s)2020

Q. How much does Starbase cost?

Starbase will be priced at 32.99€ / $34.99 / £27.99, and kicks off with a weeklong 10% launch discount. When Early Access begins, the Starbase universe will be a blank canvas ready to be populated.

Q. How many people were in Deep space Nine?

There are normally about 300 permanent residents of the station, though the station can accommodate up to seven thousand.

That year, Starfleet Command had sent Captain James T….Paris (Commodore)

Other relatives:Tom Paris (grandson)
Occupation:Starfleet officer
Assignment:CO, Starbase Yorktown (2263-present)

Q. Where is Elon Musk’s Starbase?

Elon Musk announced earlier this year that he would create Starbase, a private metropolis in Texas on the east Mexican border, close to the Gulf of Mexico.

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