How do I setup a replication server?

How do I setup a replication server?

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Q. How do I setup a replication server?

  1. In the New Replication Server window, select Replication Server System Database.
  2. Select each item on the window and enter the value recorded on your worksheet. If you use a default value, copy it from the dialog box to your worksheet.
  3. Press Ctrl+A to accept the values. You see the New Replication Server window.

Q. How do I enable replication in Sybase?

Enabling replication for DDL

  1. Log in to the Replication Agent administration port.
  2. Use the pdb_setrepddl command without an argument to determine if replication is already enabled for DDL in the primary database: pdb_setrepddl.
  3. Use the pdb_setrepddl command to enable replication for DDL: pdb_setrepddl enable.

Q. What is Replication Server in Sybase?

Sybase Replication Server is a ‘data movement’ product, which, well, moves data from one place to another. More specifically, it captures database transactions in one database and then applies these to another database.

Q. How do you stop replication in Sybase?

To stop a Sybase Replication Server. Navigate to the Replication Server that you want to start. To stop a Replication Server, select Management > Start Sybase Repserver in the Sybase Replication Server Information section. In the General page, enter the SA Password for this Replication Server, and click Next.

Q. How does server replication work?

SQL Server replication is a technology for copying and distributing data and database objects from one database to another and then synchronizing between databases to maintain consistency and integrity of the data. In most cases, replication is a process of reproducing the data at the desired targets.

Q. How do you replicate an ad server?


  1. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in.
  2. Expand the Sites branch to show the sites.
  3. Expand the site that contains the DCs.
  4. Expand the servers.
  5. Select the server you want to replicate to, and expand the server.
  6. Double-click NTDS Settings for the server.

Q. What is warm standby replication Sybase?

A warm standby application is a pair of SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) databases, one of which is a backup copy of the other. Client applications update the active database; SAP Replication Server maintains the standby database as a copy of the active database.

Q. What is Rssd in Sybase?

The Replication Server System Database (RSSD) is a database that contains the Replication Server system tables. Each Replication Server requires an RSSD or an ERSSD, which holds the system tables for one Replication Server. The RSSD is managed by the Adaptive Server. The ERSSD is managed by Adaptive Server Anywhere.

Q. What are the three replication strategies?

When it comes to replicating data from databases, there are three basic methods for replicating data:

  • Full table replication.
  • Key-based incremental replication.
  • Log-based incremental replication.

Q. What is replication in server?

Replication is a set of technologies for copying and distributing data and database objects from one database to another and then synchronizing between databases to maintain consistency. Merge replication is primarily designed for mobile applications or distributed server applications that have possible data conflicts.

Q. What are the AD replication concepts?

Active Directory replication is the method of transferring and updating Active Directory objects from one DC to another DC. The connections between DCs are built based on their locations within a forest and site.

Q. What are different types of replication in SQL Server?

SQL Server 2000 supports three distinct types of replication: snapshot, transactional, and merge, each of which has its own purpose.

Q. What is open server in Sybase?

Sybase Open Server is a toolkit for designing and implementing any kind of server application. The versatility that makes Open Server so powerful can make conceptualizing its uses difficult. Sybase Open Server event model allows Open Server programmers to install custom routines, or event handlers, that run when a specific Open Server event occurs.

Q. What is a Sybase database?

A Sybase Database is a database that is backed by Sybase’s server. To put it in more concrete terms, whenever you create and manage a database – that is, whenever you input your data and analyze it – Sybase is the one that allows you to do it.

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How do I setup a replication server?.
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