How do I speak to someone at EDF? – Internet Guides
How do I speak to someone at EDF?

How do I speak to someone at EDF?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do I speak to someone at EDF?

Q. How do I speak to someone at EDF?

EDF Energy Customer Support Phone is 0333-200-5100 or 0333-009-7062. Live customer service representatives from EDF Energy are available from 8am to 6pm Monday-Friday, from 8am to 2pm Saturday, Sunday closed.

Q. Do EDF have a free phone number?

Visit and click on ‘Contact us’ to fill in our online contact form. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, and Saturdays 8am to 2pm. For prepayment general enquiries, please call us free on 0800 015 1733. For general enquires, please call us free on 0800 096 9000.

Q. Does EDF have online chat?

EDF live chat is open for the following hours: The webchat facility is open to all customers and will answer questions on any query, including, tariffs, moving home, switching to or leaving the company, accounts, and bill payments. Simply pick the topic that applies to you and click the chat now button.

Q. What is the emergency electricity number?

Emergency numbers for electricity distributors

AreaEmergency numberDistributor
East Midlands0800 056 8090Western Power Distribution
London area0800 028 0247UK Power Networks
Midlands0800 328 1111Western Power Distribution
North East England0800 668 877Northern Powergrid

Q. Does EDF use WhatsApp?

Message us. Did you know that EDF now offer WhatsApp & Text to customers? Just click on the buttons below to get our phone numbers. If you haven’t contacted us through WhatsApp before, dont forget to add us as a contact before starting your message!

Q. Who is the cheapest energy supplier in the UK?

Top five cheapest gas and electricity deals

1Orbit EnergySpring Vari-Save Extra
2Hub EnergyHub Smart Choice Tariff 12 April 22 v1
4Outfox the MarketSpring 21 Variable

Q. Where is EDF Energy head office?

London, United Kingdom
EDF Energy/Headquarters

Q. What are 0333 numbers charged at?

However, the cost to call a 0333 number in the UK the call, just like a regular fixed phone or company. A call to a 0333 number costs the same cost as a regular call to a landline or mobile home. All numbers begin with 03 being at the same speed as standard fixed network numbers starting with ’01’ or ’02’ loaded.

Q. Is it worth getting a smart meter?

There are a number of benefits if you have smart meters: More accurate bills. Smart meters mean the end of estimated bills, and the end of overpaying (or underpaying) for your energy. Better oversight and management of your energy use with a real-time data display in your home potentially saving you money.

Q. How do you put emergency electricity on EDF?

Press Home and scroll to Prepay. Use the selection button to scroll to ‘Activate Emergency credit’. Use arrows to choose between electricity and gas. Use arrows and selection button to select ‘OK’.

Q. How do I contact EDF by email?

You can also: Call: 0333 200 5100, open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 2pm Message: SMS (07881341928) or WhatsApp (07480802942) Email: [email protected] In writing: FREEPOST: EDF Energy – Plymouth Visit one of our offices: If it’s more convenient you can visit any of EDF’s customer …

Q. How to contact EDF’s English-speaking line in France?

How to contact EDF’s English-speaking line in France EDF’s English-speaking customer service helpline is 09 69 36 63 83 or + 339 69 36 63 83 for international customers who are dialling from abroad. For English-speaking assistance, the EDF contact number for new customers is the same as for existing EDF customers.

Q. What is the customer service number for EDF?

EDF’s regular customer service number (in French) is 09 69 32 15 15. It is also free when dialed from a French landline (but may be subject to mobile operator charges when dialed from a cell phone – check with your provider).

Q. How to contact EDF prepayment meter customer service?

EDF customer service contact numbers Check your balance, submit a meter reading or make a payment Automated 24 hour line. 0333 200 5108. Prepayment meter enquiries Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 2pm. 0333 200 5110. Smart meter enquiries

Q. Where can I find EDF renewables in Canada?

EDF Renewables in Canada. Montreal. 1010 rue De la Gauchetière Ouest bureau 2000, Montréal QC H3B 2N2. Tél : + 1.514.397.9997. EDF Renewables in Chile.

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How do I speak to someone at EDF?.
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