How do I upload documents to DTS? – Internet Guides
How do I upload documents to DTS?

How do I upload documents to DTS?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do I upload documents to DTS?

Q. How do I upload documents to DTS?

Upload receipts in to Substantiating Records. Select the Browse button, locate/select the receipts saved to the computer, then choose the Upload button. The next page of the instructions will provide a visual of what this will look like when the document has uploaded. CES students will have $0 in their lodging costs.

Q. How do I file a voucher in DTS?

Upon completion of your FUNDED travel authorization/orders you must file a travel voucher/claim within 5 days of return. Click on Official Travel; Select ‘Vouchers’ you will see a hyperlink ‘Create New Voucher from Authorization’. Select the appropriate trip to create the voucher against.

Q. How do I change the EFT in DTS?

1. From the DTS Dashboard, under My Travel Documents, select Options next to the document, then choose Create Amendment from the pick list. 2. Enter a comment explaining the reason for the amendment and then select Amend Document.

Q. Where do I put orders in DTS?

-Click on: Green Button, “Login to DTS” in the middle of the screen -Click through to your sign on -Highlight on the first column, Official Travel, select Authorizations/Orders -A list of your trips will come up.

Q. What does voucher submit mean in DTS?

A voucher is a claim for reimbursement of actual expenses you* incurred and payment of allowances you earned while you were TDY. When you create a voucher in DTS, the system populates it with information from your approved DTS authorization.

Q. What is a DTS local voucher?

A local voucher is a claim for reimbursement for expenses you incurred and allowances you earned while conducting official business in the local area near your* Permanent Duty Station. A local voucher is a stand-alone document you may only submit after you complete your official duty.

Q. Why would an EFT be returned?

Payments may be returned because of insufficient funds in a consumer’s account, closed accounts, or frozen accounts. Banks and other financial institutions charge their consumers returned payment fees.

Q. How do I update information in DTS?

To update your profile: 1. After logging onto DTS, on the Welcome screen, hover over Traveler Setup and select Update Personal Profile (Figure 1).

Q. How do I create an authorization on DTS?

To create an authorization, log onto DTS. On the DTS Dashboard (Figure 2-1), under My Travel Documents, select Create New Document. Figure 2-1: DTS Dashboard – My Travel Documents Area

Q. Where do I enter my CAC PIN for DTS?

1. With your CAC into the CAC reader, select Sign Upin the large blue box near the top of the DTS Welcome page (Figure 1-1). 2. Read and Accept the DoD Privacy and Ethics Policy statement. 3. Enter your CAC PIN*, then select OK.

Q. How do I attach a receipt to DTS?

DTS allows you to attach receipts or any other substantiating documents by scanning and uploading them or by faxing them into DTS. After you attach all of your receipts, make sure that the amounts you claim on your voucher or local voucher match the amounts on your receipts.

Q. What to do If DTS locks you out of CAC?

Go to step 4. *Note: If you ever enter your CAC PIN incorrectly three times, DTS locks you out. If this happens, you must contact your Local Registration Authority (LRA) or CAC Office to unlock your CAC. DTS Guide 1: Overview

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