How do you check a box in Word 2007?

How do you check a box in Word 2007?

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Q. How do you check a box in Word 2007?

Word 2007- Inserting Check boxes

  1. Click on the Office Button.
  2. Towards the very bottom select Word Options.
  3. Check Show Develop Tab in Ribbon.
  4. Click on the Develop Tab.
  5. In the Controls Section Click the Legacy Controls (Looks like a folder icon with a tools on it)

Q. How do you get a tick in Word?

Insert a check mark or tick mark in Word

  1. Place your cursor at the spot where you want to insert the symbol.
  2. Go to Insert > Symbol.
  3. Select a checkmark symbol to insert or do the following. Select More Symbols.
  4. Double-click the symbol to insert it into your document.
  5. Select Close.

Q. How do I get the Developer tab in Word 2007?

Word 2007: Show the Developer tab

  1. Click the large Microsoft Office button (in the top left of the window).
  2. Click Word Options.
  3. Click Popular.
  4. Select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box.
  5. Click OK.

Q. How do I create a fillable checkbox in Word 2007?

Under the Developer tab, click Legacy Tools button in Controls group and select the “Check Box Form Field” control. It will insert a clickable checkbox at your cursor’s location. By default, the checkbox is unchecked.

Q. How do I make a fillable box in Word?

Tech Tip: How to Create Fillable Forms in Microsoft Word

  1. Enable Developer Tab. Open Microsoft Word, then go to the File Tab > Options > Customize Ribbon > check the Developer Tab in the right column > Click OK.
  2. Insert a Control.
  3. Edit Filler Text.
  4. Design Mode button again to exit the mode.
  5. Customize Content Controls.

Q. How do I insert a checkbox without the Developer tab in Word 2007?

Insert checkbox in Word 2007 or older

  1. Select the list and right click on the mouse.
  2. Click on the Bullets and Numberings on the shown menu.
  3. Select any bullet style and then click on Customize.
  4. Click on Character.
  5. From the selection of fonts, choose Wingdings.
  6. Find the checkbox and click OK.

Q. How do I type a check mark?

To insert a check mark symbol in a Word document using Alt:

  1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the check mark symbol.
  2. Press Alt + 0252 or Alt + 0254 on the numeric keypad.
  3. Select the character, click the Home tab in the Ribbon and select Wingdings from the Font drop-down menu.
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How do you check a box in Word 2007?.
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