How do you find the sum and average of n numbers in C? – Internet Guides
How do you find the sum and average of n numbers in C?

How do you find the sum and average of n numbers in C?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you find the sum and average of n numbers in C?

Q. How do you find the sum and average of n numbers in C?

C Program to Calculate the Sum and Average of n Number

  1. The first printf statement will ask the user to enter n value.
  2. For loop will resist the user, not to enter more than two values by using the condition i<n.
  3. In the next line, we added the entered value to sum.

Q. How do you find the average in C program?

Program To Calculate Average In C

  1. Algorithm. Algorithm of this program is very easy − START Step 1 → Collect integer values in an array A of size N Step 2 → Add all values of A Step 3 → Divide the output of Step 2 with N Step 4 → Display the output of Step 3 as average STOP.
  2. Pseudocode.
  3. Implementation.
  4. Output.

Q. How do you find the sum and average?

Here, we are taking input from the user of two integer number, first number will be stored in the variable a and second number will be stored in the variable b. Sum of the numbers is calculating by a+b and assigning into variable sum and average of numbers in calculating by (float)(a+b)/2 and assigning to variable avg.

Q. How do you find the average of 5 numbers in C?


  1. // Program to calculate average of 5 numbers entered by users.
  2. int main()
  3. {
  4. int num; // Declare ‘num’ to read number from users.
  5. int sum, i; // Declare variables ‘sum’ to keep sum of numbers & ‘i’ used in for loop.
  6. float average; // Declae variable ‘average’ of float type to save average value.

Q. How do you determine the size of a plot?

In case of a residential property, the area is usually given in the form of Square Feet (sq ft). However, in the case of agricultural lands, the property area is mentioned in terms of Acres or Hectares. In order to measure the land size, you need to multiply the length and the width of the available land.

Q. What is a good size building plot?

The average estate house these days is built on approximately 1/12th – 1/10th of an acre about 38ft x 95ft (11.5m x 29m). This size plot may not allow for a very large garden or very good access around the house. When you view a plot always make sure you know the exact position of the boundaries.

Q. How is Gaj plot size measured?

As you know that 1 Square Foot will be equivalent to 0.1111 Gaj, then you have to simply multiply the figure in square feet by this number to get the final figures in Gaj. You can thus work out 1000 square feet in Gaj which is 111.1 Gaj.

Q. How do you find the length and breadth of a plot?

To find Length or Breadth when Area of a Rectangle is given

  1. When we need to find length of a rectangle we need to divide area by breadth.
  2. Length of a rectangle = Area ÷ breadth.
  3. ℓ = A ÷ b.
  4. Similarly, when we need to find breadth of a rectangle we need to divide area by length.
  5. Breadth of a rectangle = Area ÷ length.

Q. What is the size of 4 Marla plot?

1 Marla= 250 Square Feet**

MarlaSquare FeetSquare Meter

Q. What is the size of 1 kanal plot?

605 square yards

Q. What size is a Marla?

272.25 square feet

Q. What is the cost of 3 Marla house in Pakistan?

There are other details you need to know. For your convenience, here is a breakdown of the construction cost of grey structure and finishing cost of 3 Marla house in Pakistan….Option1: Ground floor only.

TOTALRs. 1,050,000Rs. 875,000

Q. How much does it cost to build a 5 Marla house?

The estimated cost of house construction in 2021 varies between major cities of Pakistan. For a double-unit 5 marla house, the labourers would charge around PKR 390 per sq. ft., which would take the total amount to around PKR 770,250.

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