How do you play the dirty diaper baby shower game?

How do you play the dirty diaper baby shower game?

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Q. How do you play the dirty diaper baby shower game?

Ask each guest to take one diaper and keep it closed. After all baby shower guests have a diaper, ask everyone to open up their diapers at the same time. The two winners of this Dirty Diaper Game are the two baby shower guests holding the dirty diapers!

Q. How do you make a diaper game?

Dirty Diaper Game Instructions Place each diaper into the microwave for about 20 seconds or until the candy bar melts. Once the candy bar is melted, smoosh the contents around inside the diaper! Leave the diapers slightly open otherwise the candy will harden and you will not be able to open the diaper.

Q. What is in a diaper game baby shower?

Keep guests guessing with this practical game. Put at least ten common, useful baby items inside a diaper bag; a bib, teething ring, rattle, bottle and diaper are just a few goodies that are also fairly inexpensive. Give each guest a pen and paper before passing the diaper bag around.

Q. What do you put in the smell nappy game?

Nappy Tasting All you need to do is get some nappies and number them. Then find poo looking type foods that you can put in the nappy and get the guest to use their sense of smell to work out what is what. Great fillings for the nappies are things like melted chocolate, curry paste, chocolate spread or peanut butter.

Q. How do you make chocolate diaper poop for a baby shower?

Make sure that you don’t place the diapers inside the microwave. Instead, microwave the candy bars in bowls and then scoop the “poo” into the diapers. Place 5 to 6 different candy bars into 5 to 6 microwave-safe bowls. Melt the candy bars in the microwave until they have liquefied.

Q. What candy bars do you use for the diaper game?

Use candy bars like Baby Ruth, Almond Joy, Reeses, Rolos, Snickers, Twix, York Peppermint Patties, Kit Kat, M&M’s you get the idea.

Q. Who should host the baby shower?

Most baby showers should be hosted by a sister, mother, mother-in-law, or close friend. Baby showers were traditionally thrown by family members who weren’t close with the parents-to-be, to avoid the assumption that close family members wanted to collect gifts for themselves.

Q. How does a diaper raffle work at a baby shower?

A diaper raffle is where guests to a baby shower bring a pack of diapers to be entered into a raffle drawing. A diaper fund is where guests can buy a raffle ticket for a set amount of money, then their ticket gets put into a drawing for a prize.

Q. How to prep and play the dirty diaper game?

How to Prep and Play the Dirty Diaper Game. Before your guests arrive, soften candy bars in microwave safe dish for 15 seconds. NEVER PLACE DISPOSABLE DIAPERS IN THE MICROWAVE. Continue to soften candy bars until they are pliable and have lost their shape. It’s important not to melt the candy bars.

Q. What do you put in a diaper for a baby shower?

Place a candy bar (or part of it) into each diaper: Melt a candy bar (it only takes a few seconds) inside each one. After it’s a little melty you can stir it around a little bit with a spoon. At the baby shower, the guests will need to try to make a guess of what type of candy bar is in each diaper.

Q. How to make a candy bar diaper game?

To prepare this game, number each diaper (just write on it with a Sharpie on the front). Place a candy bar (or part of it) into each diaper: Melt a candy bar (it only takes a few seconds) inside each one.

Q. How do you make a napkin look like a diaper?

On the day of the shower, fold paper napkins to look like diapers. Spread chocolate and mustard on one napkin to make it resemble a dirty diaper. Fasten the “diapers” with a diaper pin and fasten them to the bottom of the guest’s chairs. Near the end of the shower, or just before mom opens her gifts, have the guests retrieve the napkins.

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How do you play the dirty diaper baby shower game?.
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