How do you publish on fanfiction mobile? – Internet Guides
How do you publish on fanfiction mobile?

How do you publish on fanfiction mobile?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you publish on fanfiction mobile?

You have to go to the very bottom of the page and click desktop version. Go to publish and then Doc manager. Pick a document of your phones memo pad and upload it. Then go to new story and do what you would do on your computer!

Q. How do you post on fanfiction?

Go the Documents section on your user page. Enter a label for your story and choose a story format from the drop-down menu. Upload the file from your computer and click on “Submit Document.” Click on the Stories section and click on “New Story.” Read and agree to the Writer’s Guidelines if you’re asked to do so.

Q. What is a forum in fanfiction?

Generally it is a posting site in which those who are into a certain fanfiction fandom can discuss and post about various fanfictions within that fandom. For example, in the “olden days” there was something called usenet, and I belonged to two forums about the Tolkien fandom.

Q. Is there a fanfiction Net App?

FanFiction.Net 12+ Official app for FanFiction.Net is now on MacOS! * Forums – Join writing groups or make friends with millions of other readers and writers. * Private Messaging – Enjoying private communication with other users.

Q. How do you check your views on fanfiction net?

  1. One way to do it is to go to your account page. Then go to the traffic stats tabs.
  2. Click it and then click the legacy story stats.
  3. You will see the numbers of word count, chapters, views, etc.
  4. And you’ll be able to view who has followed, favorited, and reviewed your story.

Q. What are views on FanFiction?

Views is how many times your story was viewed and visitors is how many individual people from a single ip address saw your story. Views will always be larger than visitors because someone can view your story more than once. Oh okay! Thank you!

Q. How do I see how many people have seen my story on FanFiction net?

On the left, near the bottom (you’ll probably have to scroll a bit), you’ll see a tab that says traffic stats. Click that, and you’ll find a couple options. The first one, “story stats”, gives you a graph of the month with how many views and visitors you’ve had each day.

Q. How many stories are on FanFiction net?

3,213,946 stories

Q. What is the longest Harry Potter fanfiction?

The longest single HP fic on is linkffn(Harry Potter und die Schatten der Vergangenheit).

Q. Why does Harry Potter have so much fanfiction?

Harry Potter gets a lot of fanfiction for exactly the same reasons that Ranma Nibunnoichi did about 20 years ago. It is an insanely popular franchise. Having a larger reader base automatically means a larger fanfic author base.

Q. How old is Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter?

Rowling said in an interview that Dumbledore was about 150 years old. However, on her website, she states that Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him either 115 or 116 at the time of his death.

Q. Does JKR read fanfiction?

JKR created something that gave a lot of people hope, and then she took that hope away. One that owes nothing to Rowling, and has survived without her for years. Karan Vyas, a 20-year-old from Gujarat, says that he still reads fanfiction because “the fans have created their own fandom.

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How do you publish on fanfiction mobile?.
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