How do you say war in Elvish?

How do you say war in Elvish?

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Q. How do you say war in Elvish?

ohta 0. ohta noun “war” (OKTA, KOT > KOTH).

Q. What does Mellon Nin mean in Elvish?

my friend

Q. How do you say kiss me in Elvish?


  1. Q. miqu- “to kiss”
  2. ᴺQ. miquë “kiss”
  3. ᴺS. mib “(little) kiss, peck”
  4. ᴺS. mib- “to kiss”
  5. ᴺS. mýtha- “to kiss, bill”

Q. How do you say warrior in Sindarin?

ohtar 0. The squire of Isildur (LotR/243, UT/272). This name is simply the word ohtar “warrior” used as a name.

Q. What does mithrandir mean in Elvish?

Mithrandir is a name in Sindarin meaning “the Grey Pilgrim” or “the Grey Wanderer”.

Q. How do you say you are beautiful in Elvish?

vanimelda adj., said to be “the highest word of praise for beauty”, with two interpretations that were apparently considered equally valid and simultaneously true: “beautiful and beloved” (vanima + melda, with haplology), i.e. “movingly lovely”, but also “elven-fair” (fair as an Elf) (vanima + elda).

Q. What is a female elf called?

During the Old English period, separate forms were used for female elves (such as ælfen, putatively from Common Germanic *), but during the Middle English period the word elf came routinely to include female beings. alpî, elpî; feminine elbe), Burgundian *alfs (‘elf’), and Middle Low German alf (‘evil spirit’).

Q. How do you say goodbye in Elvish?

The Quenya word namárië is a reduced form of á na márië, meaning literally “be well”, an Elvish formula used for greeting and for farewell. “Namárië” is the longest Quenya text in The Lord of the Rings and also one of the longest continuous texts in Quenya that Tolkien ever wrote.

Q. What does Galadriel say to Aragorn in Elvish?

Galadriel: “That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, Aragorn… to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness… with all that is left of your kin.”

Q. What Elvish does Legolas speak?


Q. How do you say I love you in Elvish Lord of the Rings?

Ni Meleth le, Belethcristion!

Q. How do you say love you in Klingon?

Klingon – Star Trek Pronounced bahng-WI’ shokh, this translates as “you are my love.”

Q. What does Meleth mean in Elvish?

eternal love, love that will last for ever. The prefix ‘ui-‘ that means eternal plus lenited form of meleth (love) ‘veleth’.

Q. What does Aragorn say to Legolas in Elvish?

Aragorn [to Legolas]: ‘Thank you. ‘

Q. What does Aragorn say in Elvish at Helms Deep?

Aragorn: “Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras.” (They have a better chance defending themselves here than in Edoras.)

Q. Are Aragorn and Legolas related?

Aragorn and Legolas were only acquaintances and fellows; they had NO friendship, other than both being in the Fellowship. Aragorn lived a very lonely life, such that he didn’t even identify himself to the hobbits, because he wanted to be accepted as their companion for his own sake.

Q. Why did Aragorn not say Legolas fathers name?

It’s a funny, clever distortion of an important scene in the movie but it was never filmed that way and there would be no reason for Peter Jackson to edit the scene to look that way. So, no, Aragorn did NOT forget the name of Legolas’ father. The scene wasn’t written that way. He knew who Thranduil was in the story.

Q. Who married Legolas?


Q. Why does Legolas look weird in the Hobbit?

Due to technical mishaps involving Bloom’s contact lenses, in the films Legolas’ eye colour sometimes changes between brown, purple, and blue. (In the director’s commentary of the Extended Edition, Peter Jackson admitted that they forgot to put Bloom’s contacts in several times.)

Q. Is Legolas older than Gandalf?

Legolas is older than Gandalf. Gandalf (Olorín) is a Maya Who has took the form of a wizard (Istari). If his physical form will die, as it did in the second movie, he will have a “new one”, because he is immortal.

Q. How much older is Arwen than Aragorn?

When they meet, Arwen is thousands of years old immortal beauty and him a young 20-something man. However, next time they meet, Aragorn is in his 50s, quite an older age for a mortal man. This was when Arwen fell in love with him, as well, so his 30 years of maturing must have done him some good.

Q. How much older is Frodo than Sam?

Sam is also a lot younger than Frodo, who is about 50 years of age in the book. Sam was born in 1380 of The Shire reckoning, while Frodo was born in 1368. Frodo looks young in the movie, but the ring makes the bearer stop aging (maybe the movies took this into consideration).

Q. Is Gandalf an angel?

Gandalf is a Maia. He is basically an angel/demigod. He was created by Eru Ilúvatar (the supreme being/God of the universe) to be a guardian of Middle-earth.

Q. What is Gandalf’s full name?

His actual (Maiar) name is Olórin. ‘Gandalf’, meaning something like “elf with a wand” is the name the men of Arnor gave him. The Elves called him Mithrandir, which means “Grey Pilgrim”.

Q. Why did Galadriel turn green?

Gives up her great ambition. She will at last return to the Undying Lands, pardoned by those greater than her, where she will be of lesser status than in her own realm. The ring was trying to corrupt her, and she resisted. Thats basically what the yelling was about (the part where she turns all green).

Q. Who is better Dumbledore or Gandalf?

Gandalf is more fully fleshed-out, but as an immortal, he’s not a normal person. Gandalf is greater than Dumbledore, although (or perhaps because) he had less power. He rallied all the free peoples of Middle-Earth to the cause, gave them heart, and sacrificed himself to save his friends and the quest in Moria.

Q. Who is the weakest wizard in Harry Potter?

The 10 Strongest And 10 Weakest Wizards In Harry Potter

  • Weak: Gilderoy Lockhart.
  • Weak: Stanley Shunpike.
  • Weak: Scabior.
  • Weak: Crabbe the Elder.
  • Weak: Rastaban Lestrange.
  • Weak: Travers.
  • Weak: Xenophilius Lovegood.
  • Weak: Quirinus Quirrell.

Q. Did Merlin exist in Harry Potter?

Merlin was born sometime during the medieval era. During his formative years, he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was sorted into Slytherin House. It is possible that he was taught by Salazar Slytherin himself, given the time period Merlin lived in.

Q. Does Gandalf fall in love?

Gandalf and Galadriel never get together in the books. While the relationship between Gandalf and Galadriel is expanded in the books (as are most things), the one thing the books and films have in common is that that relationship is always 100 percent platonic. However, there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that.

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How do you say war in Elvish?.
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