How do you show section view in drawing? – Internet Guides
How do you show section view in drawing?

How do you show section view in drawing?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you show section view in drawing?

To create a section view manually:

Q. Where is a removed section placed on a drawing?

A removed section is a section that is not direct projection from the view containing the cutting plane – it is located somewhere else in the drawing. In sectioning irregular objects, we may show features that do not lie in a straight line by offsetting, or bending the cutting plane.

Q. When and why is a section view necessary?

In which case, the direction of sight is towards one half of the object. The other half is then mentally discarded. Drafters use sectional views to improve the clarity of complex objects when internal surfaces result in too many hidden lines. Special conventions are used to make a sectional view easy to understand.

  1. Click Section View. (Drawing toolbar), or Insert > Drawing View > Section.
  2. To create a section view manually, click Edit sketch to display the Insert Line PropertyManager.
  3. Sketch a section line.
  4. Click to place the view.

Q. How do you represent a sectioned surface on a drawing?

How do you represent a sectioned surface on a drawing? A sectioned surface is represented by drawing thick lines at angle 45° to the drawing on the sectioned surface, (this is done with the use of a tee square and 45° set square when drawn on a t board).

Q. What are the 7 types of section views?

6 Types of sectional views

  • Full sections.
  • Half sections or views.
  • Offset sections or views.
  • Broken out sections or broken views.
  • Revolving sections or view.
  • Removed sections.

Q. What is section line in drawing?

Section Lining Section lines are very light. When sketching an object or part that requires a sectional view, they are drawn by eye at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and are spaced about 1/8” apart. Since they are used to set off a section, they must be drawn with care.

Q. What angle is used to draw section lines?

45° angle

Q. What is phantom line in drawing?

Phantom lines are long-short-short-long lines most often used to show the travel or movement of an object or a part in alternate positions. It can also be used to show adjacent objects or features. Border Line.

Q. How do you use hidden lines?

Hidden lines are used to show surfaces that are not directly visible. All surfaces must be shown in all views. If an edge or surface is blocked from view by another feature, it is drawn using a hidden line. Figures 4-11 and 4-12 show objects that require hidden lines in their orthographic views.

Q. Which line type is thick and black?

Answer. Answer: Object lines and hidden lines.

Q. What type of sketch shows the front in true shape?

What is Oblique Sketch? Oblique sketch is an easy and efficient technique of representing an object in pictorial form. Generally, the circles and angles parallel to the plane of projection are considered to be the true size and shape of the object while constructing oblique sketches.

Q. When the axis of solid is perpendicular to HP?

Explanation: When the axis of solid is perpendicular to H.P it is indirectly saying that the base is parallel to the horizontal plane so the projection on to it gives true shape of the base and then we can project and find the other dimensions. 4.

Q. When the projectors are parallel to each other and also perpendicular to the plane is called?

Explanation: In orthographic projection, the projectors are parallel to each other and also perpendicular to the plane but in oblique projection, the projectors are inclined to the plane of projection and projectors are parallel to each other. 3. Explanation: Oblique projection is one method of pictorial projection.

Q. Which plane do we get side view?

In multi-view drawings, the right side view is the standard side view used. The right side view of an object shows the depth and the height dimensions. The right side view is projected onto the profile plane of projection, which is a plane that is parallel to the right side of the object.

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