How do you use innocuous? – Internet Guides
How do you use innocuous?

How do you use innocuous?

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Q. How do you use innocuous?

Innocuous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because the virus was innocuous, the hospital staff had no need to worry about the leak.
  2. In the ring the wrestler appeared dangerous, but in reality, he was really innocuous.
  3. Although Sarah meant her joke to be innocuous, the people around her took it to heart.

Q. What does word innocuous mean?

1 : producing no injury : harmless. 2 : not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility : inoffensive, insipid.

Q. What is an innocuous statement?

adjective. not harmful or injurious; harmless: an innocuous home remedy. not likely to irritate or offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark. not interesting, stimulating, or significant; pallid; insipid: an innocuous novel.

Q. How do you use timorous in a sentence?

timid by nature or revealing timidity. 1 He was the most timorous person in that event. 2 He is a reclusive, timorous creature. 3 ‘Who’s that?’

Q. What does Sleekit mean in English?

1 chiefly Scotland : sleek, smooth. 2 chiefly Scotland : crafty, deceitful.

Q. What is a Boggin?

informal Scottish, Northern Irish. Filthy or disgusting. More example sentences. ‘the last of her coffee tasted bogging’ ‘your feet are boggin’, by the way’

Q. What does Brattle mean?

intransitive verb. chiefly Scotland. : to make a clattering or rattling sound.

Q. What does Laith mean?

Laith (Arabic: ليث‎), also romanized as Leith or Layth, is an Arabic and Scottish Gaelic names. In the Arabic language, Leith means “lion”.

Q. Is Brattle a word?

verb (used without object), brat·tled, brat·tling. to scamper noisily.

Q. What is another word for innocuous?

What is another word for innocuous?


Q. Can you describe a person as innocuous?

The adjective innocuous is useful when you’re talking about something that doesn’t offend or injure anyone. Innocuous remarks or comments are meant kindly, and innocuous germs won’t make you sick. An innocuous question is innocently curious, rather than aimed to hurt someone’s feelings.

Q. What is another word for verbose?

Verbose Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for verbose?


Q. What type of word is ominously?

Originating from the Latin word ominosus, meaning “full of foreboding,” the adverb ominously indicates when an action is done in an ominous manner, possibly indicating danger or evil is in the future.

Q. What type of word is flounced?

verb (used without object), flounced, flounc·ing. to go with impatient or impetuous, exaggerated movements: The star flounced out of the studio in a rage. to throw the body about spasmodically; flounder.

Q. How are retort pouches sealed?

A retort pouch is made up of plastic and metal foil laminate pouch, with 3 or 4 wide seals usually created by aseptic processing, allowing for the sterile packaging of a wide variety of drinks, that can range from water to fully cooked, thermo-stabilized meals such as ready-to-eat meal that can be eaten cold, warmed by …

Q. What are retort pouches made of?

A retort pouch is commonly defined as a flexible pouch for low-acid foods that are thermally processed in a pressure vessel, often called a “retort.” The pouch is made of layered polyester, aluminum foil, and polypropylene.

Q. Why is it called a retort pouch?

Retort Pouch and Tray Technology The retort pouch is a misnomer, since the name today denotes a flexible pouch for low-acid foods terminally sterilized in a pressure vessel often called a retort.

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