How do you use respect in a sentence?

How do you use respect in a sentence?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you use respect in a sentence?

To put it in context here, though, disguises were used in respect to the robberies. He didn’t bring up one single argument in respect to the abortion of a budget that was tabled this year.

Q. Is in regards to correct grammar?

The correct phrase is “in regard to.” You may be confused because “as regards” is another way to introduce a topic. Many people believe both phrases are unnecessary business jargon. Better options, depending on the particular sentence, include “concerning,” “regarding,” “about,” “in,” and “with.”

Q. How do you write in short form of respect?

Also found in: Dictionary, Idioms….IRO.

Acronym Definition
IRO In Respect Of
IRO International Refugee Organization

Q. What is the difference between regard and respect?

The difference between Regard and Respect. When used as nouns, regard means a steady look, a gaze, whereas respect means an attitude of consideration or high regard. When used as verbs, regard means to look at, whereas respect means to have respect for.

Q. What are some words for respect?

  • acclamation,
  • adoration,
  • adulation,
  • approbation,
  • deference,
  • hero worship,
  • homage,
  • honor,

Q. What is in this respect?

phrase. You use expressions like in this respect and in many respects to indicate that what you are saying applies to the feature you have just mentioned or to many features of something. The children are not unintelligent–in fact, they seem quite normal in this respect.

Q. What is the meaning of regards?

to have or show respect or concern for. to think highly of; esteem. to take into account; consider. to look at; observe: She regarded him with amusement. to relate to; concern: The news does not regard the explosion.

Q. How do you show regards?

to have or show respect or concern for.

  1. to think highly of; esteem.
  2. to take into account; consider.
  3. to look at; observe: She regarded him with amusement.
  4. to relate to; concern: The news does not regard the explosion.

Q. How do you use regards?

So…the singular regard is correct in phrases like with regard to and in regard to, meaning with reference to, while the plural regards expresses respect, affection, or condolences.

Q. How do you send regards on behalf of someone?


  1. Send [someone] my best.
  2. Send [someone] my best regards.
  3. Send [someone] my greetings.
  4. Give [someone] my best wishes.
  5. Pass on my greetings to [someone].
  6. My best to [someone].
  7. All the best to [someone].
  8. Send [someone] my compliments.

Q. What can I say instead of in regards to?

Synonyms of in regard to

  • about,
  • apropos,
  • apropos of,
  • as far as,
  • as for,
  • as regards.
  • (also as respects),
  • as to,

Q. What can I say instead of best regards?

“Best Regards” Alternatives

  • Respectfully.
  • Best.
  • All the best.
  • Thank you.
  • Thanks again.
  • Thanks in advance.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • Cheers.

Q. How do you sign off on behalf of someone?

The letters “p.p.” before your signature on behalf of your brother indicate that the signature is under procuration (that is, on behalf of another with permission). You may type or handwrite the letters just to the left of your signature to indicate that you are signing under procuration.

Q. How do you write on behalf of?

You put “p.p.” in front of the name of the person for whom you are writing the letter — p.p. stands for “per pro” (for and on behalf of).

Q. How do you use on behalf of?

If you are including yourself in the group for whom you’re speaking, it’s a reflexive pronoun. That is, you would say “on behalf of my family and myself” as opposed to “on behalf of my family and me.”

Q. Can someone sign a document on my behalf?

“Where a person is appointed to act as another’s agent for all legal purposes this is called “power of attorney.” A person with power of attorney for another may sign all legally significant documents on behalf of the other person. But Signing as a proxy or agent is limited to a specific purpose.”

Q. What happens if you fake a signature?

Forgery is considered a felony in all fifty states and is punishable by a range of penalties including jail or prison time, significant fines, probation, and restitution (compensating the victim for money or goods stolen as a result of the forgery).

Q. Is it illegal to sign for a package that isn’t yours?

It is not illegal. You were given permission to sign for it. You are mostly signing it so that the post office knows it was delivered. Just make sure you are signing your own name for things like this in the future, for identification purposes it helps to know who actually signed for it.

Q. How do you prove someone forged your signature?

The Examination of Handwriting A comparison is made through the standards between the signed document and the signature of the individual. An identical match to a previous signature could prove a forgery, or it could prove that the person is the same.

Q. Is forgery hard to prove?

Forgery charges are highly complex and sometimes difficult for a prosecutor to prove in court. Due to the complexity of these criminal cases, it’s essential to consult an attorney at law near Denver who has experience defending clients from forgery and fraud charges.

Q. How do you prove a forged will?

Proving a forged Will is the same as establishing any other forgery – an expert compares the signature on the suspicious document with items known to have been signed by the testator (the person executing the Will). Such handwriting comparison is valid and professional have the ability to expose the forgery.

Q. How can I prove my signature?

Proving the legality of a digital signature involves a two-step process: having the signature admitted as evidence and then demonstrating its trustworthiness. To admit a signature as evidence, you will need expert testimony describing the record creation process and supporting its accuracy.

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How do you use respect in a sentence?.
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