How do you use sing in a sentence?

How do you use sing in a sentence?

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Q. How do you use sing in a sentence?

Sing sentence example

  1. He obliged and she started to sing Happy Birthday.
  2. “What shall I sing ?”
  3. chanterie, from chanter, to sing ; Med.
  4. ” Sing of the creation,” was the answer.
  5. Aren’t you going to sing this one to me?

Q. Can singing sentences examples?

I will sing “Sister Morphine” at the very end. But I think I will sing again, yeah”. I just said, O.K., I will sing, humbly sing. I will sing a healing song for the blanket.

Q. How do you compliment a singer?

Singing compliments “Vocally you have a booming voice and bags of character in your tone.” “Great power and control are all there!” “You have a lovely tone to your voice and had great control throughout.” “All three of you have great vocals, with good control and projection”.

Q. How do you describe voice?

Croaky – Sounds as if they have a sore throat. Guttural – Deep and made at the back of your throat. High-Pitched – Very high and shrill. Hoarse – Low rough voice, usually because their throat is sore.

Q. How do you say nice voice?


  1. musical. He had a soft, almost musical voice.
  2. harmonious. producing harmonious sounds.
  3. melodic. His songs are wonderfully melodic.
  4. tuneful. Melodic and tuneful, his songs made me weep.
  5. dulcet. her beautiful, dulcet voice.
  6. euphonious.

Q. What is mesmerizing voice?

to hold completely the attention or interest of someone: Her beautiful voice mesmerized the audience.

Q. What does mesmerizing mean?

: to hold the complete attention of : fascinate The children were mesmerized by the fireworks. mesmerize. transitive verb. mes·​mer·​ize.

Q. Is it Mesmerising or mesmerizing?

If you are mesmerized by something, you are so interested in it or so attracted to it that you cannot think about anything else. I sat mesmerized long after the fairground closed. She has a mesmerising smile.

Q. Can a person be mesmerizing?

The definition of mesmerizing is someone or something so fascinating or interesting that you cannot look away or cannot stop thinking about it. A stunning girl with beauty that makes men stop in their tracks is an example of someone who would be described as mesmerizing.

Q. What makes a woman mesmerizing?

To meet a lady who is original in her personality and perspectives is not only refreshing, but incredibly attractive. A woman with her own sense of self, sense of beauty, sense of style, ideas, ambitions and opinions can drive a man wild with curiosity and intrigue. Keep being you ladies; it’s sexier than you know.

Q. What is a good word for motivation?


  • boost,
  • encouragement,
  • goad,
  • impetus,
  • impulse,
  • incentive,
  • incitation,
  • incitement,
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How do you use sing in a sentence?.
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