How do you wire speakers to an amp?

How do you wire speakers to an amp?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you wire speakers to an amp?

Q. How do you wire speakers to an amp?

Connect the RCA, speaker, and remote turn-on leads to your amp. Feed the RCA cable along the bottom of the doors, then plug it into the back of the amp. Once you’ve done this, plug the speaker and remote turn-on leads into the back of the amp. These wires may be different colors, depending on the manufacturer.

Q. How do I tap my rear speakers into subs?

Some (many) powered subs have high level inputs, so you can just tap into the rear speaker wires. If your car has a factory sub, use its speaker wire instead. If it doesn’t have high level inputs, you can use a basic line out converter that ties into the speaker wires and turns them into a rca output.

Q. Does car speaker wire make a difference?

With a pure wire, you won’t notice a decline in audio quality until the resistance of the wire differs from the speaker’s impedance by more than 5 percent. A speaker’s impedance is a measure of the amount of resistance the speaker offers to the current flowing from the input wire.

Q. How do you wire up a car speaker?

Once you have identified the speaker wires, connect a length of speaker wire to each wire by stripping 1 inch of insulation off of each wire with a pair of wire strippers then tying the exposed ends together. Make sure that each length of wire is long enough to reach the location for each speaker.

Q. Can a car stereo be connected to an amp?

And yes, fade and balance controls will still work fine, so long as you connect the RCA cables correctly. Running the amp’s output wires to the speaker wires on the stereo’s adapter harness is how you avoid having to run new speaker wiring throughout the car.

Q. Where do the speakers go to connect to the AMP?

The wires would run from one black connector to the other (the right side of the photo below). But since we’re using an external amplifier for the speakers, the speaker wires from the car get diverted to the amp — that’s the bundle of wires on the bottom plug heading left to the amplifier.

Q. What happens if you wire two speakers in a stereo?

If you wire 2 speakers in a stereo with different polarities (for example, one has positive and negative wired as labeled, and the 2nd speaker has the opposite) an interesting thing occurs: they’re out of phase and some sound cancels out. The result is a strange and poor sounding stereo.

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How do you wire speakers to an amp?.
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