How does Celie become independent?

How does Celie become independent?

HomeArticles, FAQHow does Celie become independent?

When she inherits her family’s old property, Celie completes her independence, becoming a fully autonomous woman, with her own money, business, story, and circle of friends.

Q. What does Celie represent in the color purple?

Because of Shug and because of Sofia, Celie is able to triumph — and triumph joyfully — over the sexual and racial oppression that smothered many of her female ancestors. The Color Purple, then, is a story about growth, endurance, loyalty, solidarity, and joy — all nurtured by the strength of love.

Q. What does Celie do when she wants to talk to God?

Celie tells Shug that she no longer writes to God—she writes to Nettie. This letter is addressed to Nettie. Celie says that God would never listen to a poor black woman—that God has not listened to her throughout her life. Thus she desires to write to someone, like Nettie, who might actually one day read her letters.

Q. Why does Celie put a curse on Albert before she leaves?

Harpo, we see, has become more of a father to Albert than he ever was a son to him. After Celie left, he even bathed Albert, comforting him and holding him in his arms. Recall that in Letter 74, Celie cursed him, vowing that he would suffer, just as he made her suffer.

Q. Who married Nettie?

After some 30 years apart, Celie is then reunited with Nettie, who has married Samuel. Celie also meets her long-lost children.

Q. Why does Sofia leave Harpo?

Sofia leaves Harpo because he starts abusing her after getting advice from his father and Celie that he needs to beat her to “make her mind.”

Q. Why does squeak slap Sofia at the bar?

When the mayor’s wife, Miss Millie, notices the cleanliness of Sofia’s children and asks Sofia to be her maid, Sofia responds with a curt “Hell no.” The mayor slaps Sofia for her sass, and Sofia knocks him down, an offense that lands her in jail. Squeak admits that she is the niece of the white prison warden, so Mr.

Q. What does Sofia worry about Harpo doing too much?

He is trying to get as big as Sofia so that he could beat her in a fight. What is Sofia thinking about doing? Leaving Harpo – she doesn’t feel like she’s in love with him anymore.

Q. How long was Miss Sophia in jail?

12 years

Q. Who is the father of Celie’s baby?

Alphonso, Celie’s father, has turned to Celie for sexual gratification because Celie’s mother is ill and can no longer endure Alphonso’s sexual demands.

Q. Why was the book The Color Purple banned?

“The Color Purple” by Alice Walker has been banned in schools all over the country since 1984, due to its graphic sexual content and situations of violence and abuse. When the book was first released, it was assigned by many high school teachers for class assignments.

Q. What is the plan for getting Sofia out of jail?

The plan to get Sofia out of jail was to put a guise that Sofia should be released in order for justice to be enacted in a different way, indicating violence, or it would be worse than prison for her to work for a white woman.

Q. For whom does Sofia work when she is released from jail?

For whom does Sofia work when she is released from jail? She works for the same white woman who got her put in jail.

Q. Who takes care of Sophia’s children while she is in jail?

Squeak cares for Sofia’s children while she is incarcerated, and the two women develop a friendship.

Q. What is Sofia’s job in jail?

Sofia is made to clean and work in the laundry while in prison.

Q. Why did Nettie decide to move out of Mr S House?

Nettie was running away from his father’s presence as he was abusive and a hard nut to crack, she thought she will be much safer with her sister Celie, and Mr____chased Nettie, because he saw Celie happy at all times and he didnt get a chance to do what he used to do freely on Celie and felt that Nettie is taking his …

Q. Why is it called The Color Purple?

It is the relationship between the bruise and the hope, the suffering and the rich nature of her life, that comprise the meanings of the title. Purple stands for hope, and one of the great miracles of this book is that anyone who lived through it (like Celie) could find any hope at all.

Q. What is the nasty woman disease in the color purple?

The first time the film hints at what it could have been comes as Shug, nursed back to health by Celie from her “nasty woman disease” (possibly tuberculosis), suddenly turns the spotlight of attention on the pitifully self-effacing Celie by singing “Sister,” a blues number in her honor, at Harpo’s juke joint.

Q. What is the message in the color purple?

Thematic Connection: The theme of the “The Color Purple,” is to always stay strong and keep fighting . In the beginning of the story Celie got separated from her sister, Nettie, the person she loved the most but she stayed strong and waited patiently to get a letter from her sister.

Q. What does the color purple teach us?

The Color Purple, on the other hand, teaches us that dignity does not come from ducking behind appearances and hiding yourself. Being a victim is nothing to be ashamed of. By relentlessly focusing on black female vulnerability, The Color Purple disassembles the myth of the strong black woman.

Q. What can we learn from the color purple?

Six Lessons The Color Purple Will Teach You

  • The lowest points of your life will make you stronger.
  • Love is hard.
  • “Hell No”- A man should never hit a woman.
  • Never forget your place on this earth.
  • Don’t lose faith.
  • You are beautiful.

Q. Is Color Purple a true story?

The Color Purple is a work of fiction, and it is not based on a particular true story. However, in examining Walker’s notes and journals, scholar Salamishah Tillet, author of In Search of the Color Purple, learned that the character of Celie is based loosely on Alice Walker’s step-grandmother, Rachel.

Q. Did Nettie die in the color purple?

Shug returns with a new husband, Grady. Despite her marriage, Shug instigates a sexual relationship with Celie, and the two frequently share the same bed. One night Shug asks Celie about her sister. Celie assumes Nettie is dead because she had promised to write to Celie but never did.

Q. What is the main theme of the color purple?

Sexual relations between men and women in The Color Purple is a major theme. Alice Walker sets her story of Celie’s transformation from a passive female to an independent woman within the culture of southern black rural society from the 1920s to the 1940s.

Q. How old is Nettie in The Color Purple?

Celie and her younger sister, 12-year-old Nettie, learn a man identified only as Mister wants to marry Nettie.

Q. Is Nettie abused in the color purple?

Nettie got abused by Mr. Albert saying she has dead without thinking she is still alive, this is one of verbal oppression.

Q. Why did Mr kick Nettie?

Eventually, because she completely refuses his sexual advances, Mr. __ kicks her out. She promises to write to Celie. Nettie does write, faithfully, but her letters never get through to her sister.

Q. Is Celie in love with Shug?

Later, however, Shug befriends Celie, and still later, she becomes her lover. A psychologist would probably classify Shug as bisexual, but the terminology isn’t important. The significance of Celie and Shug’s sexual relationship is that Celie learns how to be proud of her body and how to use it to enjoy sex.

Q. Is Shug Avery a girl?

Shug Avery is a black woman in her 30s. She is not a nice person in the few pages, we read she is mean to Celie and Mr.; however, because of the life she has lived she built a tough exterior. Like most of the character in The Color Purple, she is born poor but she changed her financial status by becoming a singer.

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