How does Mercutio treat the nurse?

How does Mercutio treat the nurse?

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Q. How does Mercutio treat the nurse?

ACT II- How do Mercutio and Benvolio treat the nurse? They make fun of her and treat her badly. When really that is not true of Benvolio. ACT III- Romeo attempts to explain that he loves & forgives Tybalt.

Q. How does Mercutio describe Tybalt in Act 2 Scene 4?

Mercutio seems to fear and respect Tybalt. When he finds out that Tybalt has issued a challenge to Romeo, Mercutio says that Tybalt is a formidable duelist, and a very tough man to fight. He compares his fighting skills to a virtuoso singer, and praises his mastery of the techniques of sword fighting.

Q. What does the nurse say to Romeo in Act 2 Scene 4?

The nurse asks Romeo if his servant can be trusted to keep the secret of Romeo and Juliet’s marriage, and he insists his servant is “true as steel.” Juliet’s nurse says that Juliet, too, is trustworthy and good—she is even choosing to honor her love for Romeo in spite of a marriage proposal from Paris.

Q. Why is Paris in the churchyard in this scene?

Why is Paris in the churchyard in this scene? Paris is in the churchyard to pay respects to his dead fiancé. He placed flowers on her tomb.

Q. What are three things Juliet says she would rather do than marry Paris?

Juliet. Oh, rather than ask me to marry Paris, you could tell me to leap from the castle walls, walk among highway robbers, dwell with snakes, chain myself to a post and let bears attack me.

Q. What does Romeo do after entering Juliet’s tomb?

He promises to decorate Juliet’s grave with flowers, as he does now, and sprinkle it with either perfume (sweet water) or his tears. He will perform these honring rites every night. Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet’s tomb. What are those two reasons?

Q. Which one is the first to mention marriage what does this show us about this character?


Q. Why does Mercutio conjure Romeo?

Mercutio Timeline and Summary 1.5: Mercutio attends the Capulet bash, but has no lines. 2.1: Mercutio and Benvolio can’t find Romeo after the party. Mercutio tries to conjure Romeo by saying dirty things about Rosaline, the girl Romeo was infatuated with. The attempt fails, so Mercutio heads home.

Q. Why is it significant that Mercutio is the first character to die?

Mercutio’s death is so important to the plot because it shows where the play changes from comedy to tragedy as a main character, Mercutio dies. It is also important because from this point, the characters change and the mood is changed from being emotional to gloomy.

Q. What are further consequences of Mercutio’s death for Romeo?

Mercutio’s death serves a few functions in the play. In reference to the plot, it is Mercutio’s death that sparks Romeo’s feelings of honour and loyalty for his friend, which in turn leads Romeo to kill Tybalt. Subsequently, Romeo is punished for his actions by being banished from Verona and kept from Juliet.

Q. What Mercutio thinks of Queen Mab?

According to Mercutio, Queen Mab fills people’s heads with things they may desire, but these things are nothing but fantasies just the same. O’er ladies lips, who straight on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.

Q. Who is Queen Mab and what Mercutio is on about?

According to Mercutio, who or what is Queen Mab, and what does she do? According to Mercutio’s Queen Mab is the fairies midwife, she delivers fairy babies,dreams to people. Specifically, what she does is give you specific dreams about who you are and what you are feeling or thinking. 2.

Q. Why is it ironic that Mercutio teases Romeo about Rosaline?

Mercutio teases Romeo by insinuating that he has been away all night having sex with Rosaline. He says to Romeo that “a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams.” In other words, a distraction like Rosaline has, Mercutio implies, caused Romeo to flex his buttocks in the act of sexual intercourse.

Q. How does Mercutio react to Romeo’s refusal to fight with Tybalt?

How does Mercutio react to Romeo’s refusal to fight with Tybalt? Why is this element of the scene significant? “O calm, dishonorable, vile submission!” Mercutio says he has a hatred now for both families and Romeo dishonored him.

Q. What is Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet?

Mercutio, the witty skeptic, is a foil for Romeo, the young Petrarchan lover. Mercutio mocks Romeo’s vision of love and the poetic devices he uses to express his emotions: Romeo, Humors!

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