How far is Bangalore from Moradabad?

How far is Bangalore from Moradabad?

HomeArticles, FAQHow far is Bangalore from Moradabad?

Q. How far is Bangalore from Moradabad?

Distance Between Moradabad to Bengaluru

Distance between Moradabad to Bengaluru by Road is2281 Kms
Distance between Moradabad to Bengaluru by Flight is1768 Kms
Travel Time from Moradabad to Bengaluru by Road is34:6 hrs
Nearest Airport in MoradabadPantnagar (28.84, 78.77)

Q. What is the area of Moradabad?

79 km²

Q. How many villages are there in Moradabad district?


S.NoTehsil NameTotal Number Of Villages

Q. Is Moradabad a metro city?

Other towns for which metro has been envisaged include Allahabad, Jhansi and Moradabad. Currently, three UP towns have operational metro rail services, including Noida, Lucknow and Ghaziabad.

Q. Is Moradabad safe?

Crime rates in Muradabad (Moradabad), India

Level of crime40.38Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 3 years42.31Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen46.15Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed30.77Low
Worries car stolen34.62Low

Q. How many Muslims are in Moradabad?

Moradabad Religion-wise Data

DescriptionPopulation in 2011Percentage

Q. How many cities are there in Moradabad?

In addition to the city of Moradabad, which is governed as a Municipal Corporation, there are four municipalities: Bahjoi, Bilari, Chandausi, and Thakurdwara. There are six Town Panchayats: Bhojpur Dharampur. Kanth.

Q. Who is current DM of Moradabad?

Shri Shailendra Kumar Singh

Shri Shailendra Kumar SinghDistrict Magistrate05912413288
Shri Surendra SinghADM-E0591-2416010
Mrs. Preeti JaiswalADM-F/R0591-2412728

Q. Who built Moradabad?

Rustam Khan
It was established in 1625A. D. by Rustam Khan and is named after prince Murad Baksh, the son of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Moradabad is situated on the banks of the Ramganga river, at a distance of 167 km (104 mi) from the national capital, New Delhi and 344 km north-west of the state capital Lucknow.

Q. Is Moradabad a big city?

Q. Is Moradabad smart city?

Moradabad Smart City Limited (MSCL) is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) created with representation from all major stakeholders from the city of Moradabad, as per the Government of India’s Smart City guidelines. This SPV is responsible for the implementation of projects under the smart city mission.

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