How hot is St Lucia in February?

How hot is St Lucia in February?

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Q. How hot is St Lucia in February?

With an average temperature of 27°C, St Lucia is hot yet bearable in February. You’ll see highs of 29°C in the hottest part of the day, so make sure you pack a high factor sun cream and seek shade when the sun’s at its strongest. With lows of 24°C, even the evenings are warm.

Q. What is the rainy season in St Lucia?

The rainy season in Saint Lucia is from June to December. The rainforests typically experience more rainfall than the coastal regions of the island. While vacationing in Saint Lucia during the rainy season may seem daunting, the heavy showers will go as quickly as they came.

Q. Does it rain a lot in St Lucia in July?

Throughout July, St Lucia is subject to an average of 171mm/7 inches of rainfall divided between 21 rainy days. With precipitation falling on ¾ of days during the month, chances are you’ll experience a shower or two, so be prepared to spend some time inside your hotel.

Q. Is St Lucia Nice in February?

Though the temperatures may seem hot to you, February is actually one of the cooler months on the island; it may be a good time of year to visit St Lucia if you can’t stand the heat. It is also a fairly breezy time of year, so expect some fresh, light winds coming in off the sea.

Q. What is the warmest month in St Lucia?

The weather in Saint Lucia The hottest months in Saint Lucia are May through September with 86°F, during the wet season. January and February mark the lowest temperatures annually with 71.6°F.

Q. What is the best month to go to St Lucia?

The best time to visit St. Lucia is between May and June. These late spring and early summer months offer wonderful weather – high 70s to 80s – plus there are enviable room rates at the best hotels. Music lovers should consider visiting in early May specifically to attend the St.

Q. Is it worth going to St Lucia in July?

Visiting St Lucia in July Lucia is available to you for thrilling and exciting vacations throughout the year. One of the highlights of the Island is that it is located in the tropics which means that temperatures are constantly warm and welcoming throughout the year.

Q. Which Caribbean island has the best weather in February?

8 Caribbean Islands to Visit in February

  • St Lucia. In February, this Eastern Caribbean island enjoys balmy breezy temperatures of between 73°F-84°F.
  • Antigua. What is this?
  • Barbados.
  • Martinique.
  • Grenada.
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • Dominica.

Q. Is Jamaica or St Lucia better?

Both islands are a mix of beach and lush mountains, but Jamaica is huge compared to St Lucia. Although you can find white-sand beaches on both islands, Jamaica does have the better coastline of the two. Therefore if beaches are the main priority, then Jamaica should be your choice.

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How hot is St Lucia in February?.
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