How is your day going Meaning?

How is your day going Meaning?

HomeArticles, FAQHow is your day going Meaning?

If someone asks you, “How is your day (going)?”, they are asking what events have occurred in your life, so far, today. (Is it a good day, or a bad day?

Q. How is your day going answer?

If someone says to you, “How’s it going?” you should never say, “Well, actually, things are kind of tough at the moment”. A better response would be to just say, “I’m fine”, even if the world is falling apart, as far as the other person is concerned, you are fine.

Q. How was your day or how is your day?

“How has been your day” is correct, the first sentence is absolutely wrong. If you ask someone this sentence after a hard working day, you should say: “How was your day?” because you use the past tense for actions / events that are over and can’t be changed any more.

Q. How was your day going so far meaning?

“How has your day been so far?” or “How is your day going so far?” “Was” indicates a past and finished situation. Still haven’t found your answers?

Q. How was your day reply to girl?

Answer the question, maybe ask her the same and follow up with something else. So, let’s say, in the context of texting her before your first date, you might say that you’re excited about your date. The better you can answer how your day has been in context and lead into a complete conversation, the better.

Q. How’s it going so far meaning?

The expression “so far” is used when we’re in the middle of a particular situation. In other words, the situation has started, but it is NOT over yet. We use “so far” when talking about the sitatuion from the beginning of that situation until the present moment. See a translation.

Q. How is it going response?

“How’s it going?” is a common greeting in most social situations, it’s another way to say hello. When you say “How’s it going?” you are actually asking how they are feeling. A proper response is “I’m doing fine” if things are going well or “I’m not doing so well” if things are going bad.

Q. What’s up best reply?

“What’s up?” or here (West Midlands of England) commonly just “sup” is a general greeting, you can response with answers like “Not much”, “Nothing”, “Alright” etc. In this context, the response is just a return of the greeting, or a confirmation that all is going normally.

Q. How’s it going VS How are you?

I think ‘how are you’ is slightly more formal (still not really formal, though). That’s the only difference, really. I’d use ‘how’s it going’ for asking about specific things and general wellbeing. I’d say they’re pretty much interchangeable.

Q. What to say instead of how’s it going?

“What’s something you’re looking forward to?” “Who is the most interesting person you know and why?” “Who do you think is the most interesting person here and why?” “What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken and why?”

Q. How do you respond to what’s up in a flirty way?

Flirty Responses to “How Are You”

  1. I feel all the better now that you asked me.
  2. Everything is fine with you around.
  3. Right now, I’m on my way to paving a path to your heart.
  4. I’m single and ready to mingle!
  5. Thank god you finally noticed me!
  6. I have never been so strong.
  7. How is your favorite person doing today?! (Hahaha.

Q. Why do guys say whatsup?

If a guy texts you ‘what’s up? ‘ out of the blue he might actually care what is going on with you (unless its at night… then he just wants to know if you’re available to give him head). But if the guy responds with ‘what’s up’ (sans question mark) to your ‘Hey!

Q. How do you respond to WYD?

What to Respond When Your Crush Texts You ‘WYD? ‘

  1. ‘Studying for a big test ? I can’t wait for Friday! What are you up to this weekend?
  2. ‘Hanging out with some of my friends. What are you doing?
  3. ‘Playing with my dog – meet [insert name and send a photo]. ‘
  4. ‘Watching [insert show]. Have you seen it?
  5. ‘Wondering when you’re gonna ask me out ?’

Q. What to reply to what’s up on tinder?

How to Respond to What’s Up on Tinder or Bumble?

  • My level of attraction, since you texted me.
  • How much time do you have?
  • I feel much better now that you asked me.
  • If I told you, would you think about it?
  • Everything is going fine now that you’re around.
  • Thank God you’ve finally noticed me.

Q. What to say when a guy says what’s up?

You can respond with any kind of greeting from a formal, “Hello”, a non-committal, “Hey”, and so on. You can also tell them what you are currently doing. If you feel uncomfortable doing that, say “nothing much, you?”

Q. Is saying whats up rude?

It’s a way of telling someone else to get the conversation off and running. It also implies that you’re asking for personal details of where they’ve been, what they’ve been doing, etc. Actually, I suppose on that count it could also be considered rude, yes.

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