How many inches are American Girl dolls?

How many inches are American Girl dolls?

HomeArticles, FAQHow many inches are American Girl dolls?


Q. What are the measurements of an 18 inch doll?

Understanding 18-inch Doll Sizes (doll on left) such as Carpatina Dolls, Magic Attic, Stardust Classics – have a 8.5″ waist and 3.25″ shoulder width.

Q. What is the average size doll?

Measurement Charts for Dolls

NameOld Style Barbie (Mattel)American Girl Doll
Shoulder – Shoulder2.5″ (65 mm)4.75″ (121 mm)
Nape – Waist2.5″ (65 mm)4″ (100 mm)
Nape – Average Garment Length3″ (80 mm)13.5″ (311 mm)
Hip Depth1″ (25 mm)2.75″ (70 mm)

Q. How much does an American Girl doll weigh?

3 to 4 pounds

Q. What is the weight of a doll?

Most companies don’t list their dolls’ weight, but the few that do seem to have dramatically different weights, ranging from nearly 6lbs(2,650+grams) for a 45cm boy to a mere 4.4lbs(~2,000grams) in comparison for a 68cm doll.

Q. How much does it cost to ship an American girl?

Standard shipping

Order totalShipping cost
Up to $40$6
$40.01 – $80$9
$80.01 – $134.99$13

Q. How much do mini American Girl dolls weigh?

0.3 (lbs.)

Q. How do I store my American Girl doll long term?

Store your dolls on your home’s main level or in a stable environment. Try not to store your dolls in the basement or attic—these regions are more prone to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Keep your dolls on the main levels of your home to avoid damaging the dolls and their clothing.

Q. How do you store your American Girl doll stuff?

One American Girl doll storage idea for breakable accessories is to store them inside a small box with a lid. I like the iDesign Hinged-Lid stackable boxes. These boxes are easy to open so the kids can play with the items inside. They stack, making them easy to store.

Q. How do you protect dolls?

Instead, keep them in closed cabinets, away from pets, dust and sunlight, in a temperature-controlled area of your home. Place dolls in archival boxes (rather than acidic wood or cardboard) and cushion them with acid-free tissue or cloth. Turn bisque dolls with glass eyes facedown in their boxes. Do it in the dark.

Q. How much is an American Girl doll gift trunk?

The trunk starts at $247 and varies depending on what you choose. The trunk also includes: Introductory paperback book, ear piercing option for her doll, first-year wellness visit at the American Girl Doll Hospital, free shipping and more. The trunk arrives in a berry keepsake box.

Q. What are the names of the American Girl dolls?

There are currently 11 historical American Girl characters available for purchase for $98 each: Addy, Felicity, Josefina, Julie, Kaya, Kit, Maryellen, Melody, Nanea, Rebecca, and Samantha.

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