How to contact sakal newspaper?

How to contact sakal newspaper?

HomeArticles, FAQHow to contact sakal newspaper?

Q. How to contact sakal newspaper?

  1. Pune (Head Office) 595, Budhawar Peth, Pune – 411 002. Phone: +91.20.24405500 / 56035500.
  2. Nashik. 5 Vikas, 32, M.I.D.C.
  3. Mumbai – Parel. Jain House, 3rd floor, Near Tata Hospital, Behind Jerabai Wadia Hospital Jerabai Wadi Road, Parel, Mumbai 400 012.
  4. Aurangabad. Plot No.
  5. Sales(Advt.) 595, Budhwar Peth, Pune 411002.

Q. Who is the owner of Sakal?

Pratap Govindrao Pawar has been in the board of Sakal since 1985 and is currently the chairman of the Group….Sakal.

“Rise of the future newspaper” (उदय भविष्यपत्राचा)
Owner(s)Sakal Media Group
Editor-in-chiefRahul Gadpale
Founded1 January 1932

Q. How old was Sakal?

Sakal is a leading Marathi language newspaper in the state of Maharashtra. It is one of the oldest daily newspapers started in the year 1932. According to the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2017, Sakal is ranked 18th in the overall readership rankings cross languages with a readership of 10.498 million readers.

Q. Which are the venture of Sakal Media Group?

The group publishes magazines such as Indian & Global Affairs, Saptahik Sakal, a Marathi weekly, Tanishka, a women magazine, A2Z, a Sakal weekly yellow pages and Sakal Pattern, an educational weekly. The media business includes Saam TV, a news television channel in Marathi.

Q. What is Sakal English?

“sakal” in English volume_up. sakal {noun} beard.

Q. Who was Sakal Class 9?

Sakal was a twelve-year- old boy. His mother Sheela looked after domestic chores. His father Buta Chaudhary worked in an agricultural field. Sakal helped his mother in domestic chores.

Q. What’s the meaning of Gigil?

Gigil is a word used to describe the overwhelming feeling that comes over us when we see something cute.

Q. Why did Sakal get a job?

Sakal got a job in a private company while Vilas was forced to do the same work as his mother. Due to the education he received in the past years, he could secure his health as well increase his income by doing more studies. While Vilas continues to receive the same income his mother received due to unskilled labour.

Q. What makes more money Sakal or Vilas?

Explanation: Sakal found a job in the private firm while Vilas continued with the same work as his mother. He earned a meagre income like his mother to support a family. In the case of Sakal, several years of education added to the quality of labour.

Q. What is strangulation death?

Death by strangulation is a violent and frequent method of homicides. Strangulation is rarely accidental due to ligature which is caused by a wide variety of objects such as cords, ropes or clothing articles (scarves). We report four cases of occupational and accidental strangulation causing death.

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How to contact sakal newspaper?.
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