How would the forces on the book best be described?

How would the forces on the book best be described?

HomeArticles, FAQHow would the forces on the book best be described?

How would the forces on the book best be described? The forces of the book are balanced. that operates against motion when two objects are touching. that gets stronger when two objects move away from each other.

Q. What forces act on a book at rest on a table?

The force of gravity pulling down and the force of the table (FRICTION) pushing upwards on the book are of equal magnitude and opposite directions. These two forces balance each other.

Q. When a ball is sitting still on top of a table are the forces acting upon it balanced or unbalanced Brainly?

Explanation: If a stationary object is staying still (in this case it’s the ball) all of the forces acting upon it are balanced.

Q. What forces were acting on the book?

Gravity acts on the book exerting a force. The book then exerts an equal but opposite force on the earth (so away from the centre) according to Newton’s third law. The book stays at rest because the Earth is ‘strong’ enough to support the book.

Q. What keeps the book from falling?

Answer. Although the book is under the force of gravity, the normal force by table which acts equal and opposite to the gravity prevent the book from falling.

Q. Is book at rest or in motion?

Explanation: The book is at rest because there is no force moving it.

Q. What is the force a table exerts on a book to keep it on top of the table?

gravitational force

Q. What is the state of motion of a book placed on a table?

Explanation: the book is said to be in rest….

Q. Is there a force manifested by a book at the top of a table?

The force that the book exerts on the table is a normal force, not a weight force. (The book’s weight doesn’t act on the table, it acts on the book.) It’s equal in magnitude to the weight of the book, again, because of the first law. The book and the table press on each other.

Q. Can you lift or push a book lying on a table without touching it why?

We cannot push or lift a book lying on a table without touching it due to no interaction of objects because in performing these tasks we use muscular force. Since muscular force can be applied only when it is in contact with an object, it is also called a contact force.

Q. What are the two forces acting on the book on the top of the table?

gravity (or “weight”) pulling downward, and the force by the table, pushing upward. This force by the table is ultimately a force between the electrons in the book’s lower surface and the electrons in the table’s upper surface.

Q. What happens to a body in free fall in a vacuum?

Near the surface of the Earth, an object in free fall in a vacuum will accelerate at approximately 9.8 m/s2, independent of its mass. With air resistance acting on an object that has been dropped, the object will eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is around 53 m/s (190 km/h or 118 mph) for a human skydiver.

Q. Does a freely falling body have uniform velocity?

This gravitational force is due to the uniform acceleration due to gravity which is considered constant near the surface of the earth and is equal to g=10m/s2. Thus a freely falling body falls with the uniform acceleration and so it has non zero velocity or the velocity keeps on increasing.

Q. Are all falling bodies uniformly accelerated?

If air resistance and friction are negligible, then in a given location (because gravity changes with location), all objects fall toward the center of Earth with the same constant acceleration, independent of their mass, that constant acceleration is gravity.

Q. What is the acceleration of a freely falling body?

An object that is moving only because of the action of gravity is said to be free falling and its motion is described by Newton’s second law of motion. The acceleration is constant and equal to the gravitational acceleration g which is 9.8 meters per square second at sea level on the Earth.

Q. Can a body have constant speed but variable velocity?

Can A Body Have A Constant Speed And Still Have A Varying Velocity? Yes if the body is travelling with uniform speed in a circular track its speed remains the same but the velocity is non-uniform as the direction of the body is changing every time.

Q. Which of the following statements are correct I a body can have zero velocity and still be accelerated II a body can have a constant velocity and still have a varying speed III a body can have a constant speed and still have a varying velocity IV the direction?

Velocity consists of magnitude, with which a body is moving and its direction. Magnitude of velocity is called speed. Therefore, it is not possible to have different speed and the same velocity. So, the correct answer is option A – A body can have zero velocity and still be accelerated.

Q. Which of the following statement is incorrect a body can have constant speed but varying velocity?

A body can have a constant speed but a changing velocity because the direction can change while the speed is constant. (A car goes 50 mph around a roundabout). However, a body cannot have a constant velocity with a changing speed. A car cannot be slowing down yet still be going the same speed and direction.

Q. Can a body I have a constant velocity and still have a varying speed II in one dimensional motion have zero speed and a non zero velocity?

(i) No, if the speed of a body is zero it is at rest , so , velocity is also equal to zero, (ii) No, speed of the particle is equal to magnitude of its velocity. but as the direction of motion of the body continuosly changees it moves with a variable velocity.

Q. Which of the following statement is true 1 point 1 a body can have constant velocity but varying speed 2 a body can have constant speed but varying velocity 3 a body can not have acceleration without having velocity?

No, a body can not have its velocity constant, while its speed varies.

Q. Can an object have constant speed and still be accelerating give an example?

Yes, a body can have a constant speed and still be accelerating. For example you revolve a stone connected by a string in a circular motion. You will notice the stone rotates with a constant speed and yet have a centripetal acceleration which is directed towards the centre of the circle.

Q. What does it mean if an object has a negative acceleration?

If an object begins acceleration from rest or a standstill, its initial time is 0. If you get a negative value for acceleration, it means the object is slowing down.

Q. Is gravity negative or positive acceleration?

. The acceleration due to gravity is a constant rate of acceleration. It is negative because its direction is negative (it always acts down, or toward the center of the earth). The acceleration due to gravity is independent of the mass of the object.

Q. Can a body have positive velocity and negative acceleration?

For example, the velocity could be in the positive direction and the object slowing down or the velocity could be in the negative direction and the object speeding up. Both of these scenarios would result in a negative acceleration.

Q. Is upward acceleration positive or negative?

If something is accelerating upwards it has dv>0 and therefore a positive acceleration. Likewise something accelerating downwards has a negative acceleration. In your question you’ve used the usual convention that distances up are positive, so the initial velocity of +20 m/s means the object is moving upwards.

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How would the forces on the book best be described?.
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