Is clothesline one word or two words?

Is clothesline one word or two words?

HomeArticles, FAQIs clothesline one word or two words?

Q. Is clothesline one word or two words?

noun. a strong, narrow rope, cord, wire, etc., usually stretched between two poles, posts, or buildings, on which clean laundry is hung to dry.

Q. What does clothesline mean?

: to knock down (someone, such as a football player) by catching by the neck with an outstretched arm.

Q. What part of speech is apparel?


part of speech:noun
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech:transitive verb
inflections:apparels, appareling, appareled
definition 1:to clothe or dress. synonyms: attire, deck out antonyms: divest similar words: array, bedeck, bedizen, clothe, dress, garb, habit, outfit, rig out, suit

Q. What is clothesline storytelling?

Clothesline Stories Suspend a clothesline near the circle time area. Hang pictures sequentially as the story.

Q. Who is the proponent of clothesline method?

Steven Pressfield’s

Q. How does a pulley clothesline work?

The pulley clothesline is a simple concept. With a pulley, you (with your laundry basket) can stand in one place as you hang out, and later take down, your wash. The ideal pulley clothesline runs off a high porch or deck and connects at the other end to something equally high or higher.

Q. How do I build a wash line pulley?

Take your clothesline and tie it onto the loop end of the line tightener. Then take the other end of the clothesline and thread it through one pulley from the top to the bottom, then run your clothesline over to the other pulley and thread it through from the bottom to the top.

Q. Is pulley a simple machine?

A pulley is a simple machine consisting of a string (or rope) wrapped around a wheel (sometimes with a groove) with one end of the string attached to an object and the other end attached to a person or a motor.

Q. How do you install a clothesline pulley?

Drill holes where you want to hang the the pulleys for the top and bottom of your clothesline. Use a long screwdriver to help screw the hooks into the holes. Hang the pulleys onto the secure hooks. Run the clothesline through the pulleys, forming a loop.

Q. What is a clothesline tightener?

This simple device can be easily attached to your existing cord. Once it is secured, this rope tightener adds tension to keep your freshly washed laundry from touching the ground and becoming soiled. The line can’t slip through the Clothesline Tightener unless the plunger is pulled, keeping the rope tight and taut.

Q. How do I keep my clothesline from sagging?

An old fashioned prop is the best solution for your sagging clothes line. Have been using clothes lines for years. After a while they do tend to sag.

Q. What do you hang clothes on to dry?

Hang clothes from a rod or lay them flat on a drying rack when air-drying garments inside the home. Keep garments separated to allow air circulation and faster drying. Place clothes near a fan or a heat vent to air-dry more quickly.

Q. How high should a clothesline be off the ground?

The height of the line depends on how tall you are — make sure the line is comfortable for you to reach, and high enough that your laundry won’t touch the ground. The length of the line depends on the size of your back yard, but 20 to 25 feet is average.

Q. How high are washing lines?

Most clotheslines are approximately 6 ft. tall. Two 10 ft. posts work well for this, because it gives you the height and allows 3-4 ft.

Q. What is the average distance between clothesline poles?

The distance between posts should hardly exceed 40 to 50 feet, or the line will sag too much or get too heavy to prop up easily. The prop is a necessary addition to the line. It is set in the middle between posts to make sure a loaded line does not drag on the ground.

Q. What is the strongest washing line?

SUPER STRONG – Smith’s Steel Clothesline is the STRONGEST washing line in the world. Each clothes line has a pulling force of 200kgs, making it stronger than any other brand. LENGTH & DIAMETER – The length is 30m (100ft), and the diameter is 4.0mm.

Q. Why won’t my rotary line go up?

The weather has brightened so out comes your trusty Rotary Washing Line – but it won’t open! Rotary Airers can get tangled when they are stored away or collapsed hastily in bad weather. Most commonly, it’s because the clothes lines have got looped over one or more of the arms.

Q. How much concrete do I need for a clothesline?

USING RAPID SET CONCRETE MIX Accurately measure 2.5 litres of clean water per 20kg bag and add the water to the hole. Immediately pour in half the bag of Rapid Set Concrete making sure that it is evenly distributed around the post of the clothesline.

Q. How much does it cost to install a clothes line?

How much does clothesline installation cost? The cost of installation will depend on where your clothesline is being installed and any other services you need, such as drilling or rock breaking. The average cost of clothesline installation and repair on Airtasker is from $60 to $120.

Q. What size rotary Airer do I need?

The size of your family, and frequency of washing; all contribute to the size of rotary washing line that you will need. For a family of four for instance, about thirty metres of washing line would be ideal for use. Rotary models are known to have the largest size of space with up to sixty meters of line lengths.

Q. What is the best rotary washing line?

The best rotary washing lines to buy

  1. Brabantia Lift-O-Matic: The best all-round rotary washing line.
  2. JVL Compact Clothes Airer: The best budget rotary washing line.
  3. Minky Freestanding Airer: The best rotary washing line for indoor use.
  4. Vileda 40m Rotary Outdoor Washing Line: The best adjustable rotary washing line.

Q. Are rotary clothes lines any good?

A washing line can be cost-effective and efficient in a large garden. Rotary dryers are great for small gardens. Like an umbrella, they can be put up only when needed – the rest of the time taking up only a tiny amount of space or even put away and stored in a shed or porch.

Q. How do you install a rotary line?

  1. Step one: dig a hole. The first thing to do is to dig a hole.
  2. Step two: insert the Ground Spike. Place the Ground Spike vertically into the hole with the spike pointing downwards.
  3. Step three: add the Post Mix Concrete.
  4. Step four: check that it’s level.
  5. Step five: add water.
  6. Step six: check and adjust.
  7. Step seven: check again.

Q. What is the best clothes line?

  • Best Overall : HAWATOUR Portable Travel Elastic Clothesline.
  • Best Retractable: Minky Homecare 49 Outdoor Retractable Clothesline.
  • Best Outdoor: Household Essentials Outdoor Parallel Style Clothes Dryer.
  • Best Foldable: AmazonBasics Foldable Drying Rack.
  • Best Wall-Mounted: Aero-W Wall Mounted Collapsible Clothes Drying Rack.
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Is clothesline one word or two words?.
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