Is it safe to shoot a setback bullet?

Is it safe to shoot a setback bullet?

HomeArticles, FAQIs it safe to shoot a setback bullet?

Q. Is it safe to shoot a setback bullet?

As we mentioned earlier, a few thousandths of an inch of bullet setback is normal and shouldn’t cause an issue, but if the bullet moves back 0.01 inch or more, it’s a problem waiting to happen. In Cowan’s press check experiment, the round moved 0.037 inch and would be a candidate to cause catastrophic failure.

Q. What happens when a bullet is seated to deep?

Seating a bullet against the rifling causes pressures to be elevated noticeably higher than if the bullet were seated just a few thousandths of an inch off the rifling. Many times the best seating depth is with the bullet touching or very near the rifling.

Q. What is OAL ammo?

The overall length (OAL) of an ammunition cartridge is a measurement from the base of the brass shell casing to the tip of the bullet, seated into the brass casing. Cartridge overall length, or “COL”, is important to safe functioning of reloads in firearms.

Q. Can you shoot 40 S&W in a 10mm?

No, no, and no. Shooting 40 in a 10mm may damage the chamber. One of the 10 safety rules of firearms is always use correct ammunition.

Q. What kind of bullet is in Hornady Critical Duty?

Designed to meet the needs of those who demand superior barrier penetration and prefer a full-size handgun for their personal protection. Critical Duty ® is loaded with the tough Hornady ® FlexLock ® bullet that delivers “barrier blind” performance when shot through common urban barriers.

Q. How does Hornady flex tip prevent bullet clogging?

The patented Hornady ® Flex Tip ® design eliminates clogging and aids bullet expansion. A large mechanical jacket-to-core InterLock ® band works to keep the bullet and core from separating for maximum weight retention, excellent expansion, consistent penetration and terminal performance through all FBI test barriers.

Q. What are the patented features of the FlexLock bullet?

The FlexLock ® bullet incorporates two revolutionary Hornady ® features to deliver superior barrier penetration and consistent performance in FBI tactical handgun ammunition tests (FBI Protocol). The patented Hornady ® Flex Tip ® design eliminates clogging and aids bullet expansion.

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Is it safe to shoot a setback bullet?.
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