Is it very hot near the equator?

Is it very hot near the equator?

HomeArticles, FAQIs it very hot near the equator?

Q. Is it very hot near the equator?

Why is it hotter at the equator than it is at the poles? a. Because the equator is closer to the sun. Because the sun’s rays hit the earth’s surface at a higher angle at the equator.

Q. Why is the equator the warmest?

Because the Earth is nearly round, the equator receives direct light, and the poles receive slanted light, with a gradation in between. Due to the differential heating of the Earth’s surface (unequal heating of all regions), it is always warmer at the equator than at the poles.

Q. Is it always summer on the equator?

Equatorial Climates Twice a year, during the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun passes directly over the Equator. Even during the rest of the year, equatorial regions often experience a hot climate with little seasonal variation. As a result, many equatorial cultures recognize two seasons—wet and dry.

Q. Is it hotter above or below the equator?

More direct sunlight throughout the year leads to warmer temperatures near the equator. One of the most common misconceptions is that the regions at or near the equator are hotter than the poles because the equator is closer to the sun than other areas of the earth.

Q. Can you live on the equator?

If you live on the equator you will experience the quickest rates of sunrise and sunset in the world, taking a matter of minutes. These places also have a constant twelve hours of day and night throughout the year, while north or south of the equator day length increasingly varies with the seasons.

Q. Does it snow at the equator?

Because of the way that the earth is lined up relative to the sun, the areas along the equator get more sunlight. So this makes places near the equator a lot warmer. It has to be pretty cold in order to get snow, so it generally doesn’t snow much there.

Q. What is the closest city in the world to the equator?

Saint Francis of Quito

Q. What countries lie on the equator?

The Equator passes through 13 countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia and Kiribati.

Q. What temperature is it at the equator?

Average annual temperatures in equatorial lowlands are around 31 °C (88 °F) during the afternoon and 23 °C (73 °F) around sunrise. Rainfall is very high away from cold ocean current upwelling zones, from 2,500 to 3,500 mm (100 to 140 in) per year.

Q. Does the equator move?

Equatorial Shift These occur due to the spinning of the Earth, which creates winds that push ocean waters to the north in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the south in the Southern hemisphere. In other words, the equator moved. The only way for the equator to move is for the spin axis of the Earth — the poles — to move.

Q. Is Kenya on the equator?

Kenya is positioned on the equator on Africa’s east coast. Its northernmost and southernmost points are approximately equidistant–a little over 40 north and south of the equator. Kenya shares borders with five other countries. Kenya’s eastern and northern neighbors are Somalia and Ethiopia.

Q. Is Kenya a poor country?

Kenya is a lower-middle income economy. Although Kenya’s economy is the largest and most developed in eastern and central Africa, 36.1% (2015/2016) of its population lives below the international poverty line. This severe poverty is mainly caused by economic inequality, government corruption and health problems.

Q. Which is the largest relief feature in Kenya?

Farther east they are linked by the Nyeri saddle to Mount Kenya, the country’s highest peak, at 17,058 feet (5,199 metres). The relief of both highlands is complex and includes plains, deep valleys, and mountains.

Q. What language do they speak in Kenya?


Q. How do u say hello in Kenya?

The most common greeting among those who speak Swahili is ‘Hujambo’ (‘Hello’) or the more colloquial greeting of ‘Jambo’. Both greetings can be responded with the phrase ‘sijambo’, which means ‘I am well’. Other common greetings in contemporary Kenya include ‘sasa’ or ‘Mambo’.

Q. What is the major religion in Kenya?

Christianity is the main religion in Kenya.

Q. How do you say hi in Swahili?

There are basically five ways to say hello in Swahili:

  1. Hujambo or jambo (how are you?) – Sijambo (seeJAmbo) (I am fine / no worries)
  2. Habari? (any news?) – nzuri (nZOOree) (fine)
  3. U hali gani? (oo HAlee GAnee) (how are you) – njema (fine)
  4. Shikamoo (a young person to an elder) – marahaba.
  5. For casual interactions: mambo?

Q. How do u say hello in Ghana?


  1. English: Hello.
  2. Twi: Maakyé (Good morning)

Q. Which language is mostly spoken in Uganda?

Luganda is the most widely spoken indigenous language and the most widely spoken second language alongside English. The native speakers of Luganda are the Baganda, who constitute 18% of the population.

Q. What is the largest tribe in Uganda?


Q. Which is the smallest tribe in Uganda?

The smallest ethic tribe in the country is the Mening people with only 2,655 people, followed by Vonoma with 2,613; Napore with 2,879; Bahehe with 4,023; Ngikutio with 5,729 and Batwa with 6,200.

Q. How do you say love in Luganda?

Try these other romantic phrases and terms of endearment including how to say ‘I miss you’ in Luganda….Romantic Phrases & Terms of Endearment in Luganda.

I love you so muchNkwagala nnyo
I love you to the moon and backNkwagala okutuuka ku mwezi n’okukomawo

Q. What is I love you in Ugandan?

Useful phrases in Luganda

PhraseOluganda (Luganda)
I miss you
I love youNkwagala
Get well soon
Go away!Genda eri!

Q. How do you say love in Buganda?

I love you – Nkwagala.

Q. How do you say yes in Luganda?

Do you speak English?: Omanyi olungereza. Yes, I do: Weewawo.

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