Is potato a cash crop?

Is potato a cash crop?

HomeArticles, FAQIs potato a cash crop?

Potato is one of the major cash crops that form an important part of the various crop sequences practiced in the region particularly in the high altitude areas.

Q. Are cash crops bad?

Cash crops caused drastic effects to the environment. Poor soil quality, loss of forests, sediment build up in waterways, and the list goes on and on and on.

Q. What will happen if we only grow cash crops?

Each of the crops needs different growth conditions, different nutrients, different harvesting seasons and different attention. If all the farmers will grow only one kind of seeds and crops, the price of that particular seeds and crops would fall and there would be no profit to the farmers.

Q. What are examples of cash crop?

Cash crops are grown for direct sale in the market, rather than for family consumption or to feed livestock. Coffee, cocoa, tea, sugarcane, cotton, and spices are some examples of cash crops. Food crops such as rice, wheat, and corn are also grown as cash crops to meet the global food demand.

Q. Is coconut a cash crop?

The coconut is essentially a cash crop though in certain countries such as India, Ceylon, etc., it is also a food crop in the sense that coconut kernel and oil invariably find a place in the dietary of the inhabitants.

Q. Which crop is not a cash crop?

(D) Bajra – Cereals and pulses are generally known as food crops (subsistence crops). Cereals include Wheat, Rice, Maize, Bajra, jowar. Pulses include gram, masur, moong, arhar etc. Therefore Bajra is a subsistence crop and not a cash crop.

Q. What are traditional cash crops?

Traditional Cash Crops: include coffee, cotton, tea, cocoa, tobacco, sugarcane. ii.

Q. What is cash crops and examples?

For example, rice, corn, wheat, cotton and coffee. Such crops have a market price that is set at the global level. Traded commodities are commonly exported.

Q. What are the cash crops of Pakistan?

The main crops of Pakistan are classified into food crops and non-food crops. The food crops include wheat, rice, maize, coarse grains, grams and other pulses. The cash crops are cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, mustard and sesame.

Q. What is Pakistan’s main source of income?


Q. Which crop is backbone of Pakistan economy?


Q. What are the main crops in Pakistan?

There are five major crops namely, wheat, rice, sugar-cane, maize and cotton. Among minor crops the most important are fruits and vegetables followed by pulses and oilseeds.

Q. What are three famous Pakistan crops?

The most important crops are wheat, sugarcane, cotton, and rice, which together account for more than 75% of the value of total crop output. Pakistan’s largest food crop is wheat.

Q. Which is the biggest industry in Pakistan?

Cotton textile production

Q. What are three types of crops?

Cropping Seasons

S. NoCropping SeasonCrops
1.RabiWheat, barley, peas, gram, mustard etc.
2.KharifRice, maize, jowar, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut, soybean etc.
3.ZaidSeasonal fruits, vegetables, fodder crops etc.

Q. What is the most common crop?

The most planted crops throughout the world are wheat and maize (corn). Rice and soybeans are other key staples.

Q. Which one is not kharif crop?

Barley and Mustard are not Kharif crops and Bajara ,Maize,Rice,Jowar,Sugarcane,Groundnut are Kharif crops.

Q. Which is not a Zaid crop?

Answer: d. cotton. hope it help u.

Q. Is Mango A Zaid crop?

A few examples of zaid crops are watermelons, pumpkins, gourds etc. Mango cannot be categorised as rabi, kharif or zaid crop as mango tree is perennial which give fruit every year in summers.​ Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

Q. Which is a Zaid crop?

Zaid Crops Such crops are grown between the Kharif and Rabi seasons, i.e., between March and June. These crops mature early. Cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, and watermelon are zaid crops.

Q. Is watermelon a Zaid crop?

Zaid Crop: The crops grown on irrigated lands which do not have to wait for monsoons, in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop. Major Zaid crops in India are Watermelon, Muskmelon, , bitter gourd, pumpkin, cucumber etc.

Q. Is Potato A Zaid crop?

Example: Wheat, Oat, Gram, Pea, Barley, Potato, Tomato, Onion, Oil seeds (like Rapeseed, Sunflower, Sesame, Mustard) etc. Zaid Crops : Zaid Crops grown between March-June between Rabi and Kharif crop seasons. These are early maturing crops.

Q. Is Sugarcane a Zaid crop?

Answer: Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Cotton, Groundnut, Jute, Sugarcane, Turmeric, Pulses (like Urad Dal) etc. Rabi Crops : Rabi Crops sown in October-November. Zaid Crops : Zaid Crops grown between March-June between Rabi and Kharif crop seasons.

Q. What is Zaid season?

Zaid/Summer Season Crops Agricultural crops which are grown in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop season, mainly from March to June, are called Zaid crops.

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