Is Solitary an adverb?

Is Solitary an adverb?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Solitary an adverb?

Q. Is Solitary an adverb?

In a solitary manner; alone.

Q. Is Solitary a noun?

noun, plural sol·i·tar·ies. a person who lives alone or in solitude, or avoids the society of others. a person who lives in solitude from religious motives. solitary confinement.

Q. What word type is solitary?

If you’re a lone wolf, a one-man band, a rugged individualist, or an island unto yourself, you prefer to be solitary — in other words, alone or single. The term can be used to describe a person, a place, or a thing. Solitary comes to us from the Latin solus, which means alone.

Q. Is the word alone an adjective?

Alone is an adjective that describes someone or something as being in isolation or as being unique. Alone has a few additional senses as an adjective and an adverb.

Q. What is the antonym of alone?

What is the opposite of alone?

in company

Q. What is the meaning of get along?

(BE FRIENDLY) If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other: I don’t really get along with my sister’s husband.

Q. What is the correct meaning of alone?

: without anyone or anything else : not involving or including anyone or anything else : separate from other people or things. : without people that you know or that usually are with you. : feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people.

Q. Where do you put the word alone in a sentence?

Alone sentence example

  • Being alone didn’t seem so bad to me after all.
  • I spoke to her alone for twenty minutes.
  • One cold winter night I was alone in my room.
  • She was alone in Ashley with no money.
  • I was alone , back in New York, on a totally secure line.
  • Leave me alone , then, for a while.

Q. What’s the meaning of result?

1 : something that results as a consequence, issue, or conclusion also : beneficial or tangible effect : fruit. 2 : something obtained by calculation or investigation.

Q. What is another word for result?

What is another word for result?


Q. What is the antonym of result?

What is the opposite of result?

ineffective conclusiondamp squib

Q. Is impact a synonym for result?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for impact, like: influence, result, affect, repercussions, contact, strike, shock, change, reshape, collision and impression.

Q. Which word is closest in meaning to the opposite of impact?

Opposite of a forceful collision of two things. avoidance. circumvention. dodging. eluding.

Q. What is the synonym and antonym of result?

noun. ( Synonyms. final result subsequence conclusion poetic justice deal sequel ending just deserts decision finish termination aftermath consequence separation outcome denouement worst resultant. Antonyms. beginning inconsequence insignificance converge distributary.

Q. What should I say instead of used?

  • applied,
  • employed,
  • exercised,
  • exploited,
  • harnessed,
  • operated,
  • utilized.
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