Is Tattered a noun verb or adjective?

Is Tattered a noun verb or adjective?

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Q. Is Tattered a noun verb or adjective?

adjective. torn to tatters; ragged: a tattered flag. wearing ragged clothing: a tattered old man.

Q. Can tattered be used as a verb?

verb (used with object) to tear or wear to tatters.

Q. What part of speech is tattered?


part of speech:noun
part of speech:transitive verb
inflections:tatters, tattering, tattered
definition:to tear, wear, or reduce to tatters; make ragged. similar words: shred
related words:fray, wear

Q. Can exhilarating be used as a verb?

Exhilarating is most often used as an adjective, but it can also be used as the continuous tense (-ing form) of the verb, as in These attractions will be exhilarating our guests from the moment they step inside the park.

Q. Is Exhilaratingly a word?

adj. Causing exhilaration; invigorating. ex·hil′a·rat′ing·ly adv.

Q. How do you spell accelerating?

verb (used without object), ac·cel·er·at·ed, ac·cel·er·at·ing. to move or go faster; increase in speed.

Q. Is acceleration a verb or noun?

noun. /əkˌseləˈreɪʃn/ /əkˌseləˈreɪʃn/ ​[uncountable, singular] acceleration (in something) an increase in how fast something happens.

Q. What is acceleration in your own words?

Acceleration is the act of increasing speed. Acceleration comes from the Latin word accelerationem, which means “a hastening.” When you hasten, you hurry, so acceleration is a speeding-up. Maybe you are walking to an appointment and realize you will be late. You pick up your pace — that’s acceleration.

Q. What does speed up mean?

To go faster, or to make something go faster. speed up.

Q. Is sped a real word?

verb (used without object), sped [sped] or speed·ed, speed·ing. to increase the rate of speed or progress (usually followed by up).

Q. Is speeded in the dictionary?

verb. a simple past tense and past participle of speed.

Q. Is speed an irregular verb?

Irregular verb: To Speed.

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Is Tattered a noun verb or adjective?.
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