The Dumping Ground follows the lives of children living in Ashdene Ridge, a fictional foster home and is filmed in the North East. This is an exclusive chance for fans to meet the stars of the show and see the first episode of the brand new series before it is aired in early 2015.
Q. What happened to Elm Tree House in the dumping ground?
Despite Tracy saying she used to live there, This house and the Elm Tree from TSOTB are completely different. The location had to be changed for The Dumping Ground (Series 2) due to the original location being knocked down.
Table of Contents
- Q. What happened to Elm Tree House in the dumping ground?
- Q. Where is Pottiswood?
- Q. Is Hannah Moncur in a wheelchair?
- Q. Why is everyone in Tracy Beaker Welsh?
- Q. Does Tracy Beaker have a child?
- Q. Who is Sean Godfrey in the old Tracy Beaker?
- Q. Does Sean Godfrey cheat on Tracy Beaker?
- Q. How tall is Sean Godfrey in Tracy Beaker?
- Q. Who married Tracy Beaker?
- Q. Is Sean Godfrey in Tracy Beaker crash?
- Q. How old is Justine Littlewood now?
- Q. What does Tracy Beaker do now?
- Q. Why was Peter in care Tracy Beaker?
- Q. Does Tracy Beaker end up with Peter?
- Q. Does Tracy Beaker get adopted?
Q. Where is Pottiswood?
Q. Is Hannah Moncur in a wheelchair?
She suffers from a rare neurological condition, Transverse Myelitis, leaving her bound to a wheelchair. She has a younger brother named Oliver.
Q. Why is everyone in Tracy Beaker Welsh?
Jane Steventon is a producer on the show. She explained that filming moved from London to Wales after the first series on the suggestion of its then producer Jane Dauncey, from Cardiff.
Q. Does Tracy Beaker have a child?
In the new three-part CBBC series, which began on Friday, Tracy has a 10-year-old daughter called Jess and comes up against her childhood enemy Justine. Harmer said fans would be pleased with the “great” mother Beaker has become.
Q. Who is Sean Godfrey in the old Tracy Beaker?
Sean Godfrey is the friend and later ex-boyfriend of Tracy Beaker. He first appeared in the book The Dare Game, and was known as Football.
Q. Does Sean Godfrey cheat on Tracy Beaker?
So the main plot of the series is Tracy meeting Sean Godfrey (a famous footballer), dating him, quickly moving in with him and eventually planning a wedding. He also guilt-trips Tracy, cheats on her, and makes her daughter lie to her.
Q. How tall is Sean Godfrey in Tracy Beaker?
Jordan Duvigneau is the actor behind Sean Godfrey in My Mum Tracy Beaker. When he isn’t acting, Duvigneau works as a model and is represented by Forte Model Management. According to the talent agency’s website, Duvigneau is a whopping 6ft 4in tall which is the equivalent to around 193cm.
Q. Who married Tracy Beaker?
The Story of Tracy Beaker: Series 5 She and Tracy make up in the episode Moving On and she starts to bond with Gary, until Cam reveals that she and Gary are getting married.
Q. Is Sean Godfrey in Tracy Beaker crash?
Tracy Beaker footballer: Sean Godfrey is featuring in My Mum Tracy Beaker. Sean was a childhood friend of Tracy’s, whose life dramatically changed when he became a famous footballer.
Q. How old is Justine Littlewood now?
Q. What does Tracy Beaker do now?
Most recently she starred in ITV crime drama The Bay in 2019 and the short sci-fi thriller Chronos. Nisha will be back in the role of Elaine for the new Tracy Beaker spin-off series.
Q. Why was Peter in care Tracy Beaker?
It’s presumed his parents passed away. Peter was taken into care after his Nan passed away, as there was no one left to look after him. Tracy really couldn’t stand him at first, this had something to do with her having to share a birthday party with him.
Q. Does Tracy Beaker end up with Peter?
It takes a lot of convincing and a made-up relationship with Peter to get her to believe her. This works out well as Peter and Tracy actually get together after that.
Q. Does Tracy Beaker get adopted?
Tracy was adopted by Cam at the conclusion of the previous series and has been residing with Cam ever since. Tracy’s previous care worker from The Story of Tracy Beaker (TV series) – Mike Milligan, returns as the head care worker and Tracy’s new boss.