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Is there a word called thirdly?

Is there a word called thirdly?

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Q. Is there a word called thirdly?

third… or firstly… secondly… thirdly…). Because first, second, and third work perfectly well as both adjectives and adverbs, some people find that adding -ly is superfluous and even a little bit pretentious.

Q. What does Thirdly mean?

1a : one that is number three in a series — see Table of Numbers. b : one that is next after second in rank, position, authority, or precedence the third in line. 2 : one of three equal parts of something a third of the pie.

Q. What’s another way to say third?

What is another word for third?


Q. What comes after thirdly?

Secondly, Thirdly, Fourthly As noted earlier, few people say “firstly,” and fewer yet say “fifthly,” “sixthly,” “seventeenthly,” etc. Many adverbs do not end in -ly. It makes more sense to use second, third, and fourth rather than secondly, thirdly, and fourthly.

Q. Should I use second or secondly?

“First of all” makes sense when you want to emphasize the primacy of the first item in a series, but it should not be followed by “second of all,” where the expression serves no such function. And “secondly” is an adverbial form that makes no sense at all in enumeration (neither does “firstly”).

Q. What can I say instead of first?

Synonyms & Antonyms of first

  • earliest,
  • foremost,
  • headmost,
  • inaugural,
  • initial,
  • leadoff,
  • maiden,
  • original,

Q. What can you say instead of Firstly Secondly Thirdly?

In addition…. Furthermore,…. Moreover,….. The second reason is……..

  • “One example is….”
  • “Another pertinent point…”
  • “Finally…”

Q. Can you use secondly without using firstly?

It is not customary to use firstly. Suppose you already have stated a fact and you feel the urge to add another point, you can use secondly. No need to use firstly in the first place.

Q. Can I say firstly and lastly?

“Firstly, lastly” when listing just two points. Normally, if we which to illustrate our points, we can use firstly, secondly, lastly (or last but not least or finally).

Q. What can I say instead of Secondly?

What is another word for secondly?

includingin the second place

Q. What are words like firstly Secondly called?

(Also called conjunctive adverbs, linking adverbs, or transition words.)

Q. What comes first finally or furthermore?

And, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, besides, than, too, also, both-and, another, equally important, first, second, etc., again, further, last, finally, not only-but also, as well as, in the second place, next, likewise, similarly, in fact, as a result, consequently, in the same way, for example, for instance.

Q. What are words I can use instead of first second and third in essays?

Always use “first,” “second,” “third,” and so on. Yes, you can use “First of all” (although just “First” would be better), then continue with “Second,” then “Third,” and so on.

Q. What is a good transition word for second?

Transitional expressions

Sequence/Orderfirst, second, third, … next, then, finally
Timeafter, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then

Q. What can be used instead of first second and third?

Common Transitional Words and Phrases

  • cause and effect: consequently, therefore, accordingly, as a result, because, for this reason, hence, thus.
  • sequence: furthermore, in addition, moreover, first, second, third, finally, again, also, and, besides, further, in the first place, last, likewise, next, then, too.

Q. Is Thirdly correct?

In most genres, no-one will object to either. However, traditionally, first, secondly, thirdly etc. is used. Only pedants will insist on this usage, but it is something to be aware of, as there are many pedants. See Fowler’s Modern English Usage (3rd edition).

Q. Is secondly a transition word?

Transitional Words and Phrases. First, second, secondly, etc.

Q. Is lastly a word?

in conclusion; in the last place; finally.

Q. Is Lastly grammatically correct?

The word “lastly” is a variation of “last,” an adverb meaning “in the final position, place, or time”; it is grammatical…

Q. What is the difference between finally and lastly?

As adverbs the difference between lastly and finally is that lastly is (sequence) while finally is at the end or conclusion; ultimately.

Q. What’s the difference between last and lastly?

You usually use last to say that an event is the final one in a series of similar events. You use lastly when you are talking about events which are not similar. For example, if you say `George phoned his aunt last’, you usually mean that George had phoned several people and that his aunt was the last person he phoned.

Q. What word can I use instead of finally?

other words for finally

  • certainly.
  • completely.
  • definitely.
  • permanently.
  • lastly.
  • assuredly.
  • in conclusion.
  • once and for all.
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