Is there an app for weed plugs?

Is there an app for weed plugs?

HomeArticles, FAQIs there an app for weed plugs?

WeGrow. WeGrow is a Colorado-based company that uses chatbot technology for an app aimed at helping users legally grow marijuana crops at home. The app features a “grow journal” that lets users track and measure their plants’ progress.

Q. Is it safe to text about buying weed?

Law enforcement can be picky about texts regarding marijuana, even if you live in a legal state. So, if you’re texting your friend and asking them to pick up some quality bud, try to be discreet.

Q. Should you tip your drug dealer?

Remember, he’s pocketing at least 10% of those already-exorbitant fees you’re paying. We think drugs are expensive enough as is. Most delivery people get a flat fee for a days work. Tips aren’t required but are always appreciated.

Q. What should I ask my weed dealer?

Here are some examples of the proper way to ask your dealer for weed via phone/text: “What up? got any?” “hey man, you good?” or “Can I meet up with you.” 7. Find a good spot to stash your weed while getting it home.

Q. How do I talk to a dealer?

He explains how to talk to dealers, how to act and what to say – everything you can do to avoid embarrassment when picking up your gear.

  1. Try not to sound like a police officer.
  2. Don’t text, always call.
  3. Don’t constantly call me and ask where I am.
  4. Stop acting like a roadman when you’re not.

Q. Is $40 for an eighth good?

An 1/8 of good to top shelf weed is almost always above $40/eighth. Top shelf in my area will be at least $50-$55 for an solid eighth. Some dispensaries cost less, so shop around.

Q. How long does an eighth of weed?

An 8th would be around two weeks to two and a half weeks if by myself smoking weed.

Q. Is 1/8th of weed a lot?

Some weed packs together nicely into a little nugget, some is fluffy, and some falls somewhere between. For instance, a good Girl Scout Cookies eighth may be tighter packed than Silver Kush. In general terms, an eighth is going to give you about enough to roll two or three good blunts, so it really is a good amount.

Q. What is the best weed app?

The 4 Best Cannabis Apps to Download Now

  • Weedmaps. Weedmaps is now the number-two medical app on iTunes.
  • Tokr. If personalized medicine is the future of healthcare, Tokr is the future of weedcare — but not without a strong #lifestyle bent.
  • SimLeaf.

Q. How do I meet other stoners?

Indoors Places to Meet Other Stoners

  1. Video Game Stoners. Anyone who plays video games knows that each game has its own community, language, etiquette, forums and chat rooms.
  2. Instagram Stoners.
  3. Twitter Stoners.
  4. LinkedIn Stoners.
  5. Craigslist Stoners.
  6. Grow Shop Stoners.
  7. Industry Event Stoners.
  8. Festival Stoners.

Q. Is there a tinder for stoners?

Yes, There Really Is A Dating App Like Tinder That Is Just For Weed. 420 Singles is a dating app much like Tinder and is specifically built for the cannabis consumer.

Q. Is there a 420 dating app?

Best Dating Site For Everyone OkCupid lets you search using terms like “420,” and everyone’s on it.

Q. How do I find a stoner girlfriend?

4 Tips For Meeting A Stoner Chick, From A Stoner Chick

  1. She Might Already Be In Your Circle. Chances are good that the stoner chick of your dreams is already somewhere in your circle.
  2. Don’t Hit On Your Budtender Or Other Girls At The Dispensary.
  3. Tinder Probably Won’t Work.
  4. Find A Chill Chick And Offer To Smoke Her Out.

Q. How can I meet stoners online?

  1. My420Mate. BEST. Featured in The New York Times, CBS News, High Times, and Cashinbis, My420Mate is a go-to stoners dating site and app for numerous reasons.
  2. Stoner Singles. BEST.
  3. 420Singles. BEST.
  4. HighThere. BEST.

Q. How can a girl become a stoner?

Don’t miss a thing

  1. Build up that tolerance. There’s no such thing as a hot paranoid chick.
  2. Have your own supply. The sign of a true stoner chick is 10-digit number and a low price.
  3. Know good music.
  4. Know your tools.
  5. Know your cult classics.
  6. Drop some knowledge.
  7. Have opinions.
  8. Dress like a hot dude.

Q. What does 420 mean on dating sites?

420 refers to marijuana smoking, so “420 friendly” means that the person posting the profile either smokes pot or is open to dating someone that uses marijuana.

Q. What does 420 and 710 mean?

710 refers to July 10, just as 420 refers to April 20. This date was chosen for the simple fact that, if you turn the number 710 upside down, you can read the word “oil”, a reference to cannabis concentrates. Just as 420 is the time to light a joint, 710 is the time to dab.

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Is there an app for weed plugs?.
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