Is this statement true or false climate is the day to day condition of an area including temperature pressure and precipitation weather is the usual pattern of temperature pressure and precipitation of an area over time? – Internet Guides
Is this statement true or false climate is the day to day condition of an area including temperature pressure and precipitation weather is the usual pattern of temperature pressure and precipitation of an area over time?

Is this statement true or false climate is the day to day condition of an area including temperature pressure and precipitation weather is the usual pattern of temperature pressure and precipitation of an area over time?

HomeArticles, FAQIs this statement true or false climate is the day to day condition of an area including temperature pressure and precipitation weather is the usual pattern of temperature pressure and precipitation of an area over time?

Explanation: Weather is the day-to day condition of an area including temperature, pressure, and precipitation. Climate is the usual pattern of temperature, pressure, and precipitation pf an area over time.

Q. What type of climate has high temperatures and rain all or most of the year?


Q. What are the regular weather conditions of an area called?

The average weather in a specific region, as well as its variations and extremes over many years, is called climate.

Q. What is the average condition of temperature and precipitation called?


Q. What are the 4 factors that cause climate?

3.1 Factors affecting climate

  • distance from the sea.
  • ocean currents.
  • direction of prevailing winds.
  • shape of the land (known as ‘relief’ or ‘topography’)
  • distance from the equator.
  • the El Niño phenomenon.

Q. What are the six major controls of the climate?

There are six major controls of the climate of an area. These factors are latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds.

Q. What are the main controls of a region’s climate?

The main factor influencing the climate of a region is latitude because different latitudes receive different amounts of solar radiation. The equator receives the most solar radiation. Days are equally long year-round and the sun is just about directly overhead at midday.

Q. Which of the following climatic controls is the most important?

Latitude. Latitude is the most important climatic control, due to the effect it has on the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.

Q. What are the major control of the climate?

What are the six major controls of the climate of the world? Answer: Latitude: Due to the round shape of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received varies according to latitude. Ocean currents: Ocean currents alongwith the onshore winds affect the climate of a coastal area.

Q. What are the controls affecting the climate?

Answer. The factors affecting the climate of a place are referred to as controls and are latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, distance from the sea, ocean currents, and relief features. Altitude is another factor controlling the climate of a place. Altitude refers to the height a place above sea level.

Q. What are the major factors which controls the climate of a place explain any five?

(v) Ocean Currents: Oceans along with onshore winds affect the climate of the coastal areas:. For-instance, any coastal area with warmish-cold’currents flowing past it, will’ be warmed or cooled if the winds are onshore: (vi) Relief features: High. mountains act as a barrier for cold: or hot winds..

Q. What factors affect the climate of a place?

Introduction: Climate is determined by the temperature and precipitation characteristics of a region over time. The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation and the presence of ocean currents.

Q. Which does not affect the climate of a place?

Altitude – Places located on high altitude have cooler climate as compared to the places located on plains. Prevailing winds – Places which experiences on-shore winds have high rainfall as compared to the places experiencing off-shore winds.

Q. What are the six major climatic controls Class 9?

There are six major controls of the climate of any place. They are: latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, distance from the sea (continentality), ocean currents and relief features. Due to the curvature of the earth, the amount of solar energy received varies according to latitude.

Q. What is the most important factor in climate?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important.

Q. Which factor does not affect precipitation?

Temperature is not the answer cause as there would be a rise in temperature, more evaporation would occur. Hence, resulting in increase in precipitation.

Q. What are 2 factors that affect precipitation?

The 3 main factors that affect precipitation are prevailing winds, the presence of mountains, and seasonal winds. Mountain ranges is a line of mountains connected by high ground. A mountain range in the path of prevailing winds can also decide where precipitation falls.

Q. What four factors affect a region’s precipitation?

Latitude: it rain more in the areas near the equator than in the temperature zones and polar regions. The temperature is higher near the Equator so there is more evaporation. Altitude: it rains more in high areas than in low areas. Level of humidity: it rains more on the coast than inland.

Q. What are the factors that affect precipitation?

Three factors that might influence the occurrence of precipitation are moisture supply, frontal position and atmospheric instability.

Q. What are three main factors affect temperature?

Many factors affects temperature. Among them, three factors that affect temperature are altitude, latitude and distance from sea.

Q. What are the five factors that influence temperature and rainfall?

1. Distance from equator 2. Distance from sea 3. Height above sea level 4. Ocean currents 5. Mountains

  • Distance from equator.
  • Distance from sea.
  • Height above sea level.
  • Ocean currents.
  • Mountains.

Q. What are the 5 factors that affect the weather?

The five factors that determine the weather of any land area are: the amount of solar energy received because of latitude; the area’s elevation or proximity to mountains; nearness to large bodies of water and relative temperatures of land and water; the number of such storm systems as cyclones, hurricanes, and …

Q. What factors do Scientist believe might have caused climate change?

Causes of Climate Change

  • Earth’s temperature is a balancing act.
  • The greenhouse effect causes the atmosphere to retain heat.
  • Changes in the sun’s energy affect how much energy reaches Earth’s system.
  • Changes in reflectivity affect how much energy enters Earth’s system.
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Is this statement true or false climate is the day to day condition of an area including temperature pressure and precipitation weather is the usual pattern of temperature pressure and precipitation of an area over time?.
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