Is vastly a word?

Is vastly a word?

HomeArticles, FAQIs vastly a word?

Q. Is vastly a word?

adverb hugely, enormously, immensely, massively, prodigiously, monumentally, stupendously The jury has heard two vastly different accounts of what happened.

Q. What is another word for vastly?

other words for vastly

  • enormously.
  • exceedingly.
  • extremely.
  • greatly.
  • tremendously.
  • largely.
  • mightily.
  • much.

Q. Is Vastly an adverb or adjective?

Vastly is an adverb. The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.

Q. What does mean vastly?

to a very great

Q. Can you say I love you immensely?

In the sentence “I love you immensely,” immensely is an adverb that modifies the action verb, love. Love is a transitive verb, and you, is the direct object of love. Jul 15, 2010 I love you immensely; intensely, still.

Q. What is very mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : to a high degree : exceedingly very hot didn’t hurt very much. 2 : in actual fact : truly the very best store in town told the very same story. very.

Q. What kind of word is immensely?


Q. What is a good sentence for the word immense?

1. She gazed at the immense expanse of the sea. 2. The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.

Q. How do you say thank you immensely?

For these everyday, informal experiences, we can use a variety of expression to say thanks.

  1. Thank you. / Thanks so much. / Thanks a lot. / Thanks a bunch. / Thanks a ton. / Thanks!
  2. I really appreciate it. / You shouldn’t have.
  3. I don’t know what to say! / That’s very kind.
  4. You’re the best. / I owe you one. / You rock.

Q. What does bewildered mean?

1 : the quality or state of being lost, perplexed, or confused : the quality or state of being bewildered She stared at them in bewilderment. 2 : a complicated or confusing state or condition : a bewildering tangle or confusion a bewilderment of streets.

Q. What does stymied mean in English?

transitive verb. : to present an obstacle to : stand in the way of stymied by red tape.

Q. Is bewilderment an emotion?

Bewilderment is a short-lived emotion that is commonly associated with other emotions such as being confused, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, disorientated, oblivious or lost.

Q. What kind of word is bewilderment?


Q. What does buffoon mean?

1 : a ludicrous figure : clown. 2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person acting like a ridiculous buffoon.

Q. What does stupefaction mean?

noun. the state of being stupefied; stupor. overwhelming amazement.

Q. Is stupefy a real word?

verb (used with object), stu·pe·fied, stu·pe·fy·ing. to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor. to stun, as with a narcotic, a shock, or a strong emotion. to overwhelm with amazement; astound; astonish.

Q. What does wonderment mean?

1 : a cause of or occasion for wonder. 2 : astonishment, surprise. 3 : curiosity about something.

Q. What is another word for wonderment?


  • admiration,
  • amazement,
  • astonishment,
  • awe,
  • wonder.

Q. What does gladdened mean?

intransitive verb. archaic : to be glad. transitive verb. : to make glad.

Q. How can I use Wonder in English?

In the kind of sentences you have asked about, ‘wonder’ means the same as ‘think’. Saying ‘I am wondering’ uses the present continuous tense. That tense implies that you’re thinking about something right now, at that moment and it emphasises that there’s something you don’t know or you haven’t decided upon.

Q. What type of verb is wonders?

wonder. [transitive, intransitive] to think about something and try to decide what is true, what will happen, what you should do, etc.

Q. Was wondering if you have or had?

The most common form of this sentence would be “I was wondering if you have had a chance to go over the report I submitted”. Some people use a variant of this with simply “if you had”, but this should be regarded as acceptable in speech only. All other variants require some kind of special circumstance.

Q. What is I wonder in English?

phrase. You can say ‘I wonder’ if you want to be very polite when you are asking someone to do something, or when you are asking them for their opinion or for information. [politeness] I was just wondering if you could help me.

Q. What Wonder Woman means?

Definitions of wonder woman. noun. a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time.

Q. What is a wander?

wander, roam, ramble, rove, traipse, meander mean to go about from place to place usually without a plan or definite purpose. wander implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course. fond of wandering about the square just watching the people roam suggests wandering about freely and often far afield.

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