Is Venue a collective noun?

Is Venue a collective noun?

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Q. Is Venue a collective noun?

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Q. Which type of grass looks the best?

Tips for growing a gorgeous lawn: Cool-season grasses (fescue, bluegrass) do best in Northern climates, while warm-season grasses (St. Augustine, zoysia) fare better in Southern climates.

Q. What grass is the darkest green?

Kentucky bluegrass

Q. What type of grass stays green all year long?


Q. What type of grass is best for full sun?

Top 4 Grasses fro Sunny Lawns

  1. Zoysia. This warm season grass is one of the highest quality, low maintenance grasses around.
  2. Tall fescue. This cool season grass has a very deep root system, giving it great drought tolerance.
  3. Kentucky bluegrass.
  4. Bermudagrass.

Q. What is the most expensive grass?

The most expensive types are Zoysia Emerald, Bermuda and Centipede at up to $0.85 per square foot.

Q. What is the best year-round grass?

For sunny areas where year-round green is a must, consider hardy grasses like tall fescues and dwarf tall fescues. These types of grasses are referred to as “cool-season” grasses and stay green year-round in temperate climates.

Q. What month is best to put grass seed down?

In summary, you can plant grass seed anytime during the year. However, fall is the best time to plant grass seed or overseed with a cool season grass seed while spring is the best time to plant warm season grass seed.

Q. Will grass seed grow if you just throw it on the ground?

The simple answer is, yes. Beyond just throwing the seed out into the lawn and not performing any grass maintenance there is a whole world of lawn care. Even though the seeds will sprout if just thrown on the surface of the dirt there are negative effects of planting the seed in that fashion.

Q. What is the best and fastest growing grass seed?

Bermuda grass

Q. What is the fastest growing grass in the world?


Q. How much will a 50 lb bag of grass seed cover?

“let’s see, a 50 lb bag is roughly 16”x 30”, or abou 3.33 square feet. An acre is 43,560 square feet so the bag of grass seed will cover approximately 0.0000657 acres.”

Q. What is the best brand of grass seed?

Our Top 5 Best Grass Seed Brand Picks

#1 Pennington Smart Seed Our rating 5/5 DescriptionView price
#2 Scotts Turf Builder Our rating 5/5 DescriptionView price
#3 Johnathan Green Our rating 4.5/5 DescriptionView price
#4 The Dirty Gardener Our rating 4.5/5 DescriptionView price

Q. What is the best low maintenance grass seed?

Fine fescues, including creeping red fescue and Chewings fescue, are both low maintenance and shade-tolerant. Their drought-tolerance comes from their low water use rates and ability to handle dehydration.

Q. Is Jonathan Green better than Scotts?

Jonathan Green is the easiest way to get fertilizer with coated Nitrogen, while Scotts has a nice small granule. JG also has a 0-0-7 with Dimension for pre-emergent. A lot of people like their Lime, Mag-I-cal.

Q. What kind of grass will grow under shade trees?

Summary: If you want the turf to thrive under and around trees, one of the most important factors is the grass variety itself. Supina bluegrass, creeping red fescue, and shade cultivars of St. Augustinegrass offer advantages in the battle between tree shade and turf.

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