Netflix's best thriller is getting a sequel

Netflix's best thriller is getting a sequel

HomeGames, News, Other ContentNetflix's best thriller is getting a sequel

The Platform 2 will be shown on Netflix in October

Top 10 Best Suspense Thriller Movies to Watch on Netflix! 2023

Sometimes a movie comes along that just pisses you off. It's unexpected and exciting — you've never seen anything like it before, and you can't help but turn into an unpaid walking billboard advertising everyone you know. That's me with The Platform.

Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia's fantastic Spanish science fiction/horror/fantasy/thriller/you-name-it film is about a dirty futuristic prison consisting of a huge vertical shaft where the prisoners live stacked on top of each other and dependent on each other in grotesque ways.

It's part cleverly crafted yet nightmarish metaphor for wealth inequality, part claustrophobic drama and part gory horror film with shock and awe. The entire film is a series of surprise revelations and small, telling discoveries—not so much M. Night Shyamalan "This changes everything!" revelations as a series of small, painful knife-in-wound story twists. It's a great experience, a breathless and sometimes terrifyingly tense film with a winning sense of dark comedy on top of everything else.

Netflix's best thriller is getting a sequel.
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