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Not sure which series to read? Leave a comment, we'll help you | Polygon

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What is the next best series to read? We're so glad you asked

10 things you should NEVER do in your web series

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One of the best parts of my job at Polygon is recommending cool comics to read. Whether it's indie sci-fi, superhero drama, manga, or just the best of the year, we're always trying to introduce readers to new and exciting choices. Lists are a great way to share a variety of series in a short amount of time. But sometimes it's fun to do something more personally curated.

That's why we have this semi-regular open thread dedicated to helping you, our dear readers, find the perfect series to read right now. Looking for the current top superhero that's catching on? We got you. Want a new manga to delve into? We have you there too. Want the most anticipated indie doorstop graphic novel of the summer? Do you even have to ask?

Not sure which series to read? Leave a comment, we'll help you | Polygon.
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