Steve Jobs wanted the first iPhone to be launched without a SIM card slot

Steve Jobs wanted the first iPhone to be launched without a SIM card slot

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Apple has aimed to make its devices portless at some point and that is why the Cupertino giant took the most controversial decision to remove the headphone jack from smartphones back in 2016. While current rumors suggest that Apple may soon remove the SIM card slot from its iPhones models, offer only eSIM support, it has been revealed that former Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs wanted the first iPhone to come without a dedicated SIM card slot. Check out the details below.

Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone in 2007

As former head of iPod development at Apple Tony Fadell releases his new book "Build," the industry veteran has shared many untold stories about his life and interactions with influential business leaders like Jobs. In one such story during a recent interview at a special History Museum event, Fadell mentioned that Steve Jobs was against the idea of a SIM card slot on the first iPhone.

According to Fadell's statement, during the early development stages of the iPhone, Jobs instructed Apple's engineers to manufacture the first iPhone without a dedicated SIM card slot. The former CEO made key decisions regarding the products and therefore told the engineers working on the iPhone project that "we don't want another hole in it."

According to Fadell, Jobs explained that the iPhone could work without a SIM card slot with a CDMA network. He used Verizon as an example, highlighting how the carrier was known for its CDMA network instead of GSM. CDMA networks, for the unaware, work without a SIM card as the device is directly connected to the carrier's network.

Steve Jobs wanted the first iPhone to be launched without a SIM card slot.
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